Thông tin nhân sự

Họ tên: PGS. TS. Lê Thị Thu Hằng

Chức vụ: Giảng viên

Thuộc đơn vị: Khoa Kỹ thuật Hóa học

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Nhóm chuyên môn: NCM Điện hóa và tích trữ, chuyển đổi năng lượng

Lý lịch khoa học


Năm Cấp đào tạo Đơn vị đào tạo
2017 Tiến sĩ Đại học Quốc gia Chonnam, Hàn Quốc
2010 Thạc sĩ khoa học Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, Việt Nam
2007 Kỹ sư chuyên ngành Công nghệ Điện hóa và Bảo vệ kim loại Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, Việt Nam


Thời gian Chức danh Đơn vị đào tạo
2017-nay Giảng viên, Nghiên cứu viên Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, Việt Nam
2013-2017 Nghiên cứu sinh Đại học Quốc gia Chonnam, Hàn Quốc
2007-2013 Giảng viên, Nghiên cứu viên Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, Việt Nam


Mã học phần Tên học phần Chương trình đào tạo
CH2020 Technical Writing and Presentation Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH2021 Đổi mới sáng tạo và khởi nghiệp Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH3900 Thực tập kỹ thuật Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH4900 Đồ án tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH4158 Nguồn điện hoá học Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH5302 Điện phân không thoát kim loại Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH5312 Thí nghiệm chuyên ngành điện hóa Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH5305 Đồ án chuyên ngành kỹ sư điện hóa Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH5902 Đồ án tốt nghiệp kỹ sư Kỹ thuật Hóa học, ĐHCQ
CH6601 Seminar 1 Thạc sĩ
CH6602 Seminar 2 Thạc sĩ
CH7402 Vật liệu tích trữ năng lượng mới Tiến sĩ


  • Phát triển vật liệu điện cực, điện dịch cho pin, ắc quy, siêu tụ.
  • Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu tiên tiến ứng dụng làm sensor điện hóa.
  • Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu tiên tiến ứng dụng xử lý môi trường.


Phân loại
đề tài
Tên đề tài Vai trò Thời gian thực hiện
Đề tài hợp tác quốc tế Nghiên cứu công nghệ sản xuất bột alumina tinh khiết từ nhôm hydroxit của Việt Nam dùng cho sản xuất hạt nghiền Hiper Al997 Tham gia 2022-2025
Đề tài, dự án hợp tác quốc tế ACES: A Community-Centred Educational Model for developing Social Resilience: Playfulness towards an inclusive, safe and resilient society Tham gia 2020-2023
Đề tài, dự án
Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu compozit trên cơ sở polyanilin với nano cellulose và RGO định hướng ứng dụng làm siêu tụ điện Tham gia 2021-2022
Đề tài, dự án SAHEP Nghiên cứu tổng hợp hệ vật liệu nano MnO2 ứng dụng làm sensor điện hoá phát hiện nồng độ kim loại nặng trong nước thải công nghiệp Tham gia 2020-2021
Đề tài, nhiệm vụ cấp Quốc gia, Quỹ NAFOSTED Nghiên cứu tổng hợp vật liệu nano cấu trúc olivine gốc photphat và orthorsilicat có tính cài-tách cao ion kim loại kiềm để làm điện cực cho acquy. Tham gia 2018-2021
Đề tài, nhiệm vụ cấp Quốc gia, Quỹ NAFOSTED Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu trên cơ sở thiếc ứng dụng làm vật liệu điện cực dung lượng cao cho nguồn điện hiện đại Chủ nhiệm 2018-2021
Đề tài, nhiệm vụ cấp Quốc gia, Quỹ NAFOSTED Tổng hợp vật liệu sắt dạng hạt nano hóa trị không bằng thiết bị vi chất lỏng ứng dụng trong xử lý nước thải công nghiệp có chứa chất màu hữu cơ Tham gia 2019-2020
Đề tài, nhiệm vụ Bộ GDĐT Nghiên cứu chế tạo vật liệu composite thiếc oxit-mesoporous cácbon ứng dụng làm vật liệu anot dung lượng cao cho ắc quy ion liti Chủ nhiệm 2018-2019
Đề tài, nhiệm vụ Bộ GDĐT Tổng hợp và khảo sát tính chất điện hoá vật liệu hỗn hợp ôxit mangan với ôxit các kim loại chuyển tiếp (Co, Ni) bằng phương pháp sol-gel ứng dụng trong siêu tụ Chủ nhiệm đề tài 2010-2011
Đề tài Cơ sở phân cấp Nghiên cứu sự ảnh hưởng của việc pha tạp Co và Fe đến vật liệu mangan đioxit ứng dụng làm vật liệu siêu tụ Chủ nhiệm đề tài 2009


Sở hữu trí tuệ
Bài báo khoa học
Quốc tế
  • Vu Quoc Trung*, Pham Van Hoan, Duong Quang Phung, Le Minh Duc, Le Thi Thu Hang, “Double corrosion protection mechanism of molybdate diped polyaryrrole/montimorillonite nanocomposites”. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2012.656710 (2012).
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Ramchandra S. Kalubarme, Hang T. T. Le, John G. Fisher, Choong-Nyeon Park, Il-Doo Kim, Chan-Jin Park*, "Carbon-interconnected Ge Nanocrystals as an Anode with Ultra-long-term Cyclability for Lithium Ion Batteries", Advanced Functional Materials, 24 (2014) 5291-5298.
  • Mai Thanh Tung, Le Thi Thu Hang, Le Anh Tuan, Nguyen Hoang Nghi, Manh-Huong Phan*, “Influence of electrodeposition parameters on the magnetic and magneto-impedance properties of CoP/Cu wires”, Physica B 442 (2014) 16–20.
  • Mai Thanh Tung, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy*, and Le Thi Thu Hang. “Metal Doped Manganese Oxide Thin Films for Supercapacitor Application.”  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15, 6949-6956, 2015.
  • Dang Trung Dung*, Le Thi Thu Hang and Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Mai Thanh Tung, “Synthesis of Nanostructured Manganese Oxides based Materials and application for Supercapacitor”, Advanced in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, Vol. 6, 025011-025018.
  • Hang T. T. Le, Ramchandra S Kalubarme, Duc Tung Ngo, Seong-Yong Jang, Kyu-Nam Jung, Kyoung-Hee Shin; Chan-Jin Park*, " Citrate gel synthesis of aluminum-doped lithium lanthanum titanate solid electrolyte for application in organic-type lithium-oxygen batteries", Journal of Power Sources, 274 (2015) 1188-1199.
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Ramchandra S. Kalubarme, Hang T. T. Le, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-Jin Park*, "Conducting additive-free, amorphous GeO2/C composite as a high capacity and long-term stability anode for lithium ion batteries",  Nanoscale, 7 (2015) 2552-2560.
  • Hang T. T. Le, Ramchandra S. Kalubarme, Duc Tung Ngo, Harsharaj S. Jadhav,  Chan-Jin Park*; “Bi-layer lithium phosphorous oxynitride/aluminium substituted lithium lanthanum titanateas promising solid electrolyte for long-life rechargeable lithium-oxygen batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (44) (2015) 22421-22431.
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T.  Le, Ramchandra S. Kalubarme, Jae-Young Lee, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-Jin Park*; “Uniform GeO2 dispersed in nitrogen-doped porous carbon core-shell architecture: Anode material for Lithium Ion Batteries", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (43) (2015) 21722-21732.
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Chan-hoon Kim, Jae-Young Lee, John G. Fisher, Il-Doo Kim, Chan-Jin Park*; "Mass-scalable Synthesis of 3D Porous Germanium-Carbon Composite Particles as an Ultra-high-Rate Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries ", Energy & Environmental Science, 8(12) (2015) 3577-3588.
  • Hang T. T. Le, Duc Tung Ngo, Van-Chuong Ho, Guozhong Cao, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-Jin Park*, "Insights into Degradation of Metallic Lithium Electrode Protected by Bilayer Solid Electrolyte Based on Aluminium Substituted Lithium Lanthanum Titanate in Lithium-Air Batteries ", Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2016) 4, 11124-11138.
  • Hang T. T. Le, Duc Tung Ngo, Ramchandra S. Kalubarme, Guozhong Cao, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-Jin Park*, “Composite Gel Polymer Electrolyte Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) with Modified Aluminum-Doped Lithium Lanthanum Titanate (A-LLTO) for High-Performance Lithium Rechargeable Batteries", ACS Applied Materials and Interface 8(32) (2016), 20710-20719.
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Xuan-Manh Pham, Choong-Nyeon Park, and Chan-Jin Park*, “Facile Synthesis of Si@SiC Composite as an Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, ACS Applied Materials and Interface (2017) 9 (38),32790–32800.
  • Hang T.T. Le, Duc Tung Ngo, Young-Jae Kim, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-Jin Park, “A perovskite-structured aluminium-substituted lithium lanthanum titanate as a potential artificial solid-electrolyte interface for aqueous rechargeable lithium-metal-based batteries”, Electrochimica Acta (2017) 248 (10), 232-242.
  • Ngoc Hung Vu, Paulraj Arunkumar, Jong Chan Im, Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Chan-Jin Park and Won Bin Im*. “Effect of synthesis temperature on the structural defects of integrated spinel-layered Li1.2Mn 0.75Ni0.25O2+δ: a strategy to develop high-capacity cathode materials for Li-ion batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2017) 5, 15730-15742
  • Van-Chuong Ho, Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Rakesh Verma, Hee-Sang Kim, Choong-Nyeon Park, Chan-JinPark*, “       Effect of an organic additive in the electrolyte on suppressing the growth of Li dendrites in Li metal-based batteries”, Electrochimica Acta 279 (2018) 213-223.
  • Xuan-Manh Pham, Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Pravin N. Didwal, Rakesh Verma, Chan-Woo Min, Choong-Nyeon Park and Chan-Jin Park*, “A self-encapsulated porous Sb–C nanocomposite anode with excellent Na-ion storage performance”, Nanoscale (2018)10, 19399-19408
  • Duc Tung Ngo, Hang T. T. Le, Xuan-Manh Pham, Ji-Won Jung, Ngoc Hung Vu, John G. Fisher, Won-Bin Im, Il-Doo Kim, Chan-Jin Park*, “Highly porous coral-like silicon particles synthesized by an ultra-simple thermal-reduction method”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2018) 6, 2834-2846
  • Hang T.T. Le*, Duc Tung Ngo, Xuan-Manh Pham, Thi-Yen Nguyen, Trung-Dung Dang, Chan-Jin Park*, “Graphitic N-CMK3 pores filled with SnO2 nanoparticles as an ultrastable anode for rechargeable Li-ion batteries”, Journal of Power Sources 440 (2019) 227104
  • Hang T. T. Le, Xuan-Manh Pham and Chan-Jin Park*, “Facile citrate gel synthesis of an antimony–carbon nanosponge with enhanced lithium storage”, New Journal of Chemistry 43 (2019)10716.
  • Huyen T.T. Bui*, Trung-Dung Dang, Hang T. T. Le, Thuy T.B. Hoang, “Comparative study on Corrosion Inhibition of Vietnam Orange Peel Essential Oil with Urotropine and Insight of Corrosion Inhibition Mechanism for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Solution”, Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology (2019) 10 (1),69-81.
  • Hang T. T. Le, Duc Tung Ngo, Pravin N. Didwal, John G. Fisher, Choong-Nyeon Park, Il-Doo Kim, and Chan-Jin Park*, “Highly efficient and stable solid-state Li-O2 batteries using a perovskite solid electrolyte”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2019) 7, 3150-3160
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Dang Viet Anh Dung, Dang Trung Dung, “Fabrication and lithium storage performances of a composite of tin disulfide and ordered mesoporous carbon”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 58, (5) p. 622-629 (2020).
  • Nam T.H. Chu, Quang L. D. Ngo, Hang T.T. Le*, “Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon from Vietnam Natural Kaolin Clay for Supercapacitor Application”, Materials Science Forum, 985 (2020) 124-136.
  • Hang T. T. Le*, Duc Tung Ngo, Viet-Anh-Dung Dang, Thuy T. B. Hoang and Chan-Jin Park*, “Decoration of mesoporous carbon electrodes with tin oxide to boost their supercapacitive performance”, New Journal of Chemistry (2020) 44, 12654-12663.
  • Ga-Eun Park#, Hang T. T. Le#, Hee-Sang Kim, Pravin N. Didwal, Chan-Jin Park*, “Mn/Co oxide on Ni foam as a bifunctional catalyst for Li–air cells”, Ceramics International 46 (2020) 20335–20344.
  • Trung-Dung Dang*, Hang T. T. Le, Duy Anh Nguyen, Duong Duc La, Dinh Duc Nguyen*, “Magnetic hierarchical zero-valent iron nanoflake-decorated graphene nanoplates composite for simultaneous adsorption and reductive degradation of rhodamine B”, New Journal of Chemistry (2020) 44, 9083-9089. 
  • Ha Tran Huu, Hang T. T. Le, Van Phuc Nguyen, Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen, Thi Xuan Dieu Nguy, Van Thang Nguyen, Sung-Jin Kim*, Vien Vo*, “Facile one-step synthesis of g-C3N4-supported WS2 with enhanced lithium storage properties”, Electrochemimica Acta 341 (2020)136010.
  • L. Ngo, T. K. Lai, H. J. Choi, H. T. T. Le, G. M. Kim, and T. D. Dang*, “A study on mixing performance of dean flows through spiral micro-channel under various effects”, Physics of Fluids 32 0222004 (2020).
  • Hang T . T. Le*, Trung-Dung Dang, Nam T. H. Chu, Chan-Jin Park*, “Synthesis of nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbon with enhanced lithium storage performance from natural kaolin clay”, Electrochimica Acta 332 (2020) 135399.
  • Aqsa Nazir, Hang T. T. Le, Chan-Woo Min, Arvind Kasbe, Jaekook Kim, Chang-Soo Jin and Chan-Jin Park*, “Coupling of a conductive Ni3(2,3,6,7,10,11-hexaiminotriphenylene)2 metal–organic framework with silicon nanoparticles for use in high-capacity lithium-ion batteries”,  Nanoscale, 2020,12, 1629-1642.
  • Aqsa Nazir, Hang T. T. Le, Arvind Kasbe, Chan-Jin Park*, “Si nanoparticles confined within a conductive 2D porous Cu-based metal–organic framework (Cu3(HITP)2) as potential anodes for high-capacity Li-ion batteries”, Chemical Engineering Journal 405, 2021, 126963.
  • Trung-Dung Dang, Le Nguyen-Thi, Truong Nguyen-Xuan, Hang T.T. Le, Hoang Tung Vo, T. Hong Phuong Nguyen, Duong Duc La, Gyu-Man Kim, S. Woong Chang, D. Duc Nguyen, “Hierarchical zero-valent iron fabricated from microfluidic reactor for the removal of organic dyes from aqueous media”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 44 (2021) 101031.
  • Ngoc Hung Vu*, Hang T.T. Le, Van Hien Hoang, Van-Duong Dao, Ha Tran Huu, Young-Si Jun*, Won Bin Im*, “Highly N-doped, H-containing mesoporous carbon with modulated physicochemical properties as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 851 (2021) 156881.
  • Ha Tran Huu, Hang T. T. Le, Thanh Huong Nguyen, Lan Nguyen Thi, Vien Vo*, Won Bin Im*, “Facile synthesis of SnS2@g-C3N4 composites as high performance anodes for lithium ion batteries”, Applied Surface Science 549 (2021) 149312.
  • Han-Byeol Kim, Duc Tung Ngo, Rakesh Verma,Yashabanta N.Singhbabu, Do-young Kim, Hang T. T. Le, Sawanta S.Mali, Chang-Kook Hong, Chan-Jin Park,*, “Vanadium nitride and carbon nanofiber composite membrane as an interlayer for extended life cycle lithium-sulphur batteries”, Ceramics International, 47 (15), 2021, 21476-21489
  • Aqsa Nazir, Hang T.T. Le, An-Giang Nguyen, Chan-Jin Park, “Graphene analogue metal organic framework with superior capacity and rate capability as an anode for lithium ion batteries”, Electrochimica Acta 389 (2021) 138750
  • Dung V. Trinh, Mai T. T. Nguyen, Hue T. M. Dang, Dung T. Dang, Hang T. T. Le, Huynh T. N. Le, Hoang V. Tran, Chinh D. Huynh, “Hydrothermally synthesized nanostructured LiMnxFe1−xPO4 (x = 0–0.3) cathode materials with enhanced properties for lithium-ion batteries”, Scientific Reports 11, 12280 (2021)
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Dang Trung Dung, “Facile synthesis of Sn/SnOx@CMK-3 composite for standout performance lithium-ion batteries”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 59(4), 486-493
  • An-Giang Nguyen, Hang T.T. Le, Rakesh Verm, Duc-Luong Vu, Chan-Jin Park, “Boosting sodium-ion battery performance using an antimony nanoparticle self-embedded in a 3D nitrogen-doped carbon framework anode”, Chemical Engineering Journal 429, 2022, 132359
  • Ha Tran Huu, Hang T. T. Le, Thanh Huong Nguyen, Lan Nguyen Thi, Vien Vo, Won Bin Im,  “One-pot synthesis of SnS2 Nanosheets supported on g-C3N4 as high capacity and stable cycling anode for sodium-ion batteries”, International Journal of Energy Research 46, 14, (20828-20837), (2022)
  • Chan-Woo Min, Aqsa Nazir, Hang T. T. Le, Chan-Jin Park, “Facile Fabrication of Highly Porous 3D Sponge-Like Si@C Composites as High-Performance Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Batteries & Supercaps 2022, 5, e202100403
  • Lan NguyenThi, Thi Thuy Trang Phan, Tri Nguyen Ngoc, N.S.M.Viswanath, Hang T. T. Le, Lan Tran Thi, Nguyen Tien-Trung, Le Tuan Nguyen, Dao Ngoc Nhiem, Ha Tran Huu, Vien Vo, “Prussian Blue Decorated g-C3N4–From Novel Synthesis to Insight Study on Charge Transfer Strategy for Improving Visible-light Driven Photo-Fenton Catalytic Activity”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 916 (2022) 165331
  • Aqsa Nazir, Hang T.T. Le, An-Giang Nguyen, Jaekook Kim, Chan-Jin Park, “Conductive metal organic framework mediated Sb nanoparticles as high-capacity anodes for rechargeable potassium-ion batteries”, Chemical Engineering Journal 450 (2022) 138408
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, “Facile fabrication of nanocomposites of nickel hydroxide and copper oxide for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 61 (2023) 84-92
  • Huyen T. T. Nguyen, Nam T. H. Chu, and Hang T. T. Le*, “Fabrication of Screen-Printed Electrodes Modified by Hydrothermal MnO2 Microflowers and Carbon for Electrochemical Sensors in Copper Ions Detection”, Journal of Chemistry 2023 ID 3855430
  • Lan Nguyen Thi#, Ha Tran Huu#, Tri Nguyen Ngoc, N.S.M. Viswanath, Hang T.T. Le, Thi Thuy Trang Phan, Le Tuan Nguyen, Qui Thanh Hoai Ta, Ho Le Han, Lam Nguyen Tan*, Vien Vo*, “BiOCl1−xBrx solid solution–Novel synthesis, highly-efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst, and DFT study”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 960, 2023, 170503
  • Hang T. T. Le, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Nguyen Chau Giang, Phan Huy Hoang, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong*, “Improving electrochemical performance of hybrid electrode materials by a composite of nanocellulose, reduced oxide graphene and polyaniline”, RSC Advances, 2023, 13, 22375-22388
Trong nước
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Vu Thi Huong, Mai Thanh Tung. “Characterization of electrodeposited cobalt doped manganese oxides for supercapacitive applications”.  Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 47 (5A), p. 15-19 (2009). 
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Dang Viet Anh Dung, Vu Thi Huong, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Mai Thanh Tung. “Preparation and studies on anti-corrosion capability of Ni-P deposition in simultaneous oil and gas environment”. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 48 (5A) (2010).
  • Ngo Duc Tung, Vu Ngoc Hung, Le Thi Thu Hang, Vu Thi Thu Ha, Tran Trung, “Corrosion protection of composite coating polypyrrole/MnO2 on copper", Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 48 (5A), p. 212 -221 (2010).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Ngo Duc Tung, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Mai Thanh Tung. “Study on supercapacitive behaviour of Co and Fe doped manganese oxide prepared by anodic electrodeposition”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 49 (2) p. 255-259 (2011).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Ngo Duc Tung, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Mai Thanh Tung. “Effects of annealing temperature on the supercapacitive behavior of sol-gel synthesized Mn-Ni binary oxide”.  Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 49 (2) p.277-281 (2011).
  • Ngo Duc Tung, Nguyen Van Dat, Nguyen Van Toan, Le Thi Thu Hang. “Electrochemical capacitor base on polyaniline synthesized by electrochemistry on stainless steel (SS304)”. Journal of Science and Technology Technical Universities, Vietnam, vol. 82(A) p. 22-26 (2011).
  • Ngo Duc Tung, Le Thi Thu Hang. “Pseudocapacitance properties of electrodeposited hybrid films of polyaniline and manganese dioxide on stainless steels”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 49 (3) p. 394-397 (2011).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Mai Thanh Tung. “Characterization of morphology and structure of Co and Fe doped manganese oxides for supercapacitve application”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol.50 (5), 619-623 (2012).
  • Mai Thanh Tung, Le Thi Thu Hang, Dang Viet Anh Dung, “Electrochemical preparation of magnetic layered structure materials with giant magnetoresistant (GMR) and giant magnetoimpedance (GMI)”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol.50 (5), 647-655 (2012).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Ngo Duc Tung, Mai Thanh Tung. “Electrochemical and pseudocapacitive behavior of binary Mn-Ni oxide films prepared by sol-gel method”.  Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol.50 (5B), 153-157 (2012).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Dang Viet Anh Dung, Nguyen Van Dung, Mai Thanh Tung. “Preparation of magnetic CoP/Cu wires by electrodedeposited technique”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol.50 (5B), 158-162 (2012).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Ha Manh Chien, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Mai Thanh Tung. “Influence of sodium hypophosphite concentration on anti-corrosion properties of electroless deposited Ni-P alloy in aqueous containing H2S-CO2-Cl- media”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 50 (6B), p. 50-54 (2012).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, Ha Manh Chien, Mai Thanh Tung. “Effect of PTFE particle concentration on corrosion and wear resistance of electrolessly deposited NiP-PTFE composite coatings”. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 50 (6B), p. 66-70 (2012).
  • Hang T. T. Le, Yen Thi Nguyen, Dang Viet Anh Dung, Chan-Jin Park*, “Electrochemical Performances of Tin Oxide-Mesoporous Carbon Composites for Lithium Ion Battery Application”, Journal of Science & Technology, Technical universities, vol. 134, p. 044-051 (2019).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Dang Viet Anh Dung, “Lithium storage performance of SnO2@CMK‐3 composites”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, vol. 57, p. 747-752 (2020).
  • Bui Thi Thanh Huyen, Le Thi Thu Hang*, “Synthesis, Characteristics of CMK-3 Carbon Materials Derived on Various SBA-15 Templates and their Application in Electrochemical Supercapacitors”, Journal of Science & Technology, Technical universities, vol. 141, p. 051-056 (2020).
  • Dang Trung Dung*, Dang Cu Trung, Nguyen Thị Le, Luu Thị Hoan, Le Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Nguyen Thị Thu Huyen, Nguyen Van Thu, La Duc Dương, “Preparation of zero valent iron nanomaterial via microfluidic device for Cr (VI) ion treatment”, Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, vol. 9, p. 120-125 (2020).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, “Effect of carbonization temperature on the lithium storage performances of porous Sb/C nanocomposite”, Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, vol. 9 (1), p. 114-119 (2020).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang, “Effect of Nitrogen Precursors on Lithium Storage Behavior of Nitrogen Doped-Ordered Mesoporous Carbon”, Journal of Science & Technology, Technical universities, vol. 142, p. 017-022 (2020).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, “Enhancement in Graphitization of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon by Assistance of Soybean Oil Surfactant”, VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, vol. 36 (3), p. 17-23 (2020).
  • Le Thi Thu Hang*, Hoang Thi Bich Thuy, Tran Thi Minh Nguyet, Bui Thi Thanh Huyen, “Effect of operation conditions on the supercapacitive behavior of ordered mesoporous carbon”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 58(5E12), 36-42.

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