[EV2] Natural Resources and Environmental Management









- Admission for talented individuals according to the regulations of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST).

- Admission based on the result of the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) exam of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST): K00

- Admission criteria based on high school graduation exam code: A00, B00, D07

Module: Environmental Technology

Module: Pollution control engineering

Module: Health- Safety- Environment




Module: Circulatory economy and sustainable development

Module: Energy, Environment and Climate Change


1. General Introduction:
The Resource and Environmental Management program at Hanoi University of Science and Technology aims to equip students with solid knowledge and skills to adapt well to various jobs in all broad sectors of the field.

2. Information about the education program:

- Tools, principles in managing various resources such as land, water, air, energy, minerals, and ecosystems.
- Tools and skills for analyzing, assessing environmental quality (such as monitoring, environmental analysis, modeling, etc.), assessing environmental impacts, ecological risks, and environmental incidents.
- Developing and implementing solutions to minimize pollution, protect the environment, and use energy efficiently in industrialization and urbanization processes towards a circular economy, sustainable development, and adaptation to climate change.

3. Scholarship and study support opportunities:

Scholarships for academic encouragement:

  • Scholarships from student support funds both domestically and internationally, collaborating with the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology;

  • Scholarships from businesses (PERSO, Toyota, Honda-Yes, Tan Khoa Companion);

  • Scholarships from professors (Dream Ignition Scholarship...);

  • Students have the opportunity to participate in scientific research with faculty members from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology and receive research funding support.

Student exchange scholarships and internship opportunities:

  • Short-term study scholarships in Japan (1 - 6 months);

  • Students are supported and provided with opportunities to apply for scholarships from international scholarship funds and opportunities for exchanges and internships abroad;

  • Additionally, during the study period, especially in the final year, students have the opportunity to work as interns, experiencing the practical working environment at partner corporations, enterprises, and research institutes of the Institute.

Sang tao tre BK2

4. Job opportunities:

  • Experts, managerial staff at agencies related to resource and environmental management such as: Ministry/Department/Agency of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Environmental Police Department, Environmental Departments...

  • Consultants, project managers for environmental projects domestically and internationally.

  • Environmental management specialists, occupational health and safety managers at factories, production facilities, industrial parks, export processing zones, national parks/conservation areas.

  • Research at research institutes/centers both domestically and internationally.

  • Entrepreneurship and business ownership in the field of environmental protection, a new and promising sector with many opportunities. 

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