General information about the School of Chemistry and Life sciences

School of Chemistry and Life Sciences – Hanoi University of Science and Technology was established on the basis of restructuring and reorganization of 4 Institutions: School of Chemical Engineering, School of Biotechnology & Food Technology, School of Environmental Science & Technology, Institute for Research and Development of Natural Products (INAPRO).

General information about the School of Chemistry and Life sciences

The school has a team of well-trained and highly qualified lecturers and staff, with over 90% of lecturers holding doctoral degrees and nearly 40% of lecturers holding the titles of professor and associate professor.

The name of the School is "Chemistry and Life Sciences", which clearly shows the inheritance of the traditional foundation: Chemistry - Biology - Food Tech - Environment in Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and also shows the aspiration to increasingly better meet the needs of practice, and be ready to apporach new fields serving the direction of green technology and sustainable development. "Life Sciences" is a fairly new concept to us, but it is a fairly common concept, a broad topic, attracting the attention of many universities and research institutes in the world.

Associate Professor, Dr. Chu Ky Son was appointed as the Dean of the School of Chemistry and Life Sciences; along with Vice Deans: Assoc. Prof. La The Vinh, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hong Lien, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet.

Ban giám hiệu Trường Hóa và Khoa học sự sống
The Board of Directors of the School of Chemistry and Life Sciences was introduced with the University leaders

The School of Chemistry and Life Sciences has 9 education programs in the field of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Bioengineering, Food Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Resource and Environmental Management. These fields are close to each other in terms of basic knowledge, belonging to the fundamental fields of science, technology and engineering, and are also sustainable.

The school has modern, synchronous research centers and laboratories combined with advanced teaching methods, thereby expanding job opportunities for students after graduation, diversifying high-quality human resources for the country's development in the new situation.

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