Personnel information

Full name: MSc. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh

Position: Technician

Belongs to the unit: Technical Center of Training

Mobile phone: 0942080690

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree Institution
2014 Master of Food Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
1995 Engineer of Food Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Year Position Organization
From 2001 - now Technician Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Course code Course name Education program
BF4522, BF4522E Food sensory evaluation Technology Food Engineering
BF3524 Method of Food quality assessment Food Engineering
BF5515, BF5470 Tropical products Production Technology Food Engineering
BF5440 Flavor Technology Food Engineering
BF4980 Technical practice Food Engineering
BF5581 Graduation practice Food Engineering


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
  Research and develop a process for inspection and traceability of Vietnamese green tea products from main raw material areas   01/2018  – 06/2020
  Research on extracting Phytosterol from Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) and Flavonoids from Millettia Dielsiana Dield, creating products that help reduce cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis.   01/2018 – 06/2020
  Research on the procedure of enriching spicy substances from Ginger (Zingiber officinale) with an application orientation in Food Technology.   01/2022 – 06/2024


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