Personnel information

Full name: Dr. NGUYEN Tien Cuong

Position: Deputy Head of Food Engineering Department

Belongs to the unit: Department of Food Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Academic degree Institution
2014 Doctor National Institute of Applied Science Toulouse, France
2011 Master SupAgro Montpellier, France
Engineer Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Year      Position Organization
11/2023-now     Lecturer School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
03/2016-11/2023     Lecturer School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Code Course Training program
BF2020 Technical Writing and Presentation Food Engineering, Bioengineering
BF3514 Nutrition Food Engineering
BF3522 Food Physics Food Engineering
BF4518 Project in Food Engineering Food Engineering
BF4980 Technical Pratice Food Engineering
BF5581 Graduation pratice Food Engineering
BF5582 Graduation project Food Engineering
BF5312 Fermented product and beverage technology Food Engineering
BF5513 Carbohydrat rich product technology Food Engineering
BF5515 Tropical products technology Food Engineering
BF3514E Food Nutrition ELITECH program of Food Technology
BF3522E Food Physics ELITECH program of Food Technology
BF4980E Technical Pratice ELITECH program of Food Technology
BF4991E Bachelor thesis ELITECH program of Food Technology
BF6219 Kinetic of food and bio processes Master – Food Technology


• Technology of carbohydrate rich products (Cereal technology)
• Technology of fermented products and beverages
• Microbiology and applied microbiology
• Physical and biochemical analysis of complex medium (hydrolysis and/or fermentation medium)


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
MOET Isolation and screening of thermo-tolearance acid producing bacteria from fermented Vietnamese cacao and antifungal activities application Principle Investigator 2024-2026
NAFOSTED Low-temperature hydrolysis of cassava and sweet potato flours at very high gravity: from transfer dynamic and hydrolytic mechanism to improvement of hydrolytic yield Principle Investigator 2017-2020
HUST Research on antifungal activities of lactic acid bacteria and its application in food preservation Participate 2022-2023
International cooperation project Nghiên cứu phát triển sản phẩm phomat tươi có lợi cho sức khỏe thích hợp với thị trường Cộng hòa Séc và Việt Nam Participate 2022-2025

All publications
  1. Timoumi, A., Nguyen, T. C., Le, T., Kraiem, H., Cescut, Julien., Anne-Archard, D., Gorret, N., Molina-Jouve, M., To, K. A. and Fillaudeau., L. (2022). Comparison of methods to explore the morphology and granulometry of biological particles with complex shapes: Interpretation and limitations. Powder Technology 415:118067.
  2. Tien, T. N., Nguyen, T. C., Nguyen, C. N., Nguyen, T. T., Pham, N. H., Pham, T. A. and Chu-Ky, S. (2022). Protease increases ethanol yield and decreases fermentation time in no-cook process during very-high-gravity ethanol production from rice. Process Biochemistry 117, 10-18.
  3. Nguyen, T. C., L. Fillaudeau, D. Anne-Archard, S. Chu-Ky, H. N. Luong, T. T. Vu, T. H. D. Nguyen and V. H. Nguyen (2021). Impact of Particle Size on the Rheological Properties and Amylolysis Kinetics of Ungelatinized Cassava Flour Suspensions. Processes 9(6): 989.
  4. Nguyen, T.C, S. Chu-Ky, H. N. Luong, H. V. Nguyen (2020). Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Enzymatic Kinetics of Ungelatinized Cassava Flour Hydrolysis. Catalysts; Vol. 10(7), 760.
  5. Nguyen, T.C., Anne-Archard, D., Cameleyre, X., Lombard, E., To, K.A., Fillaudeau, L. (2019). Bio-catalytic hydrolysis of paper pulp using in- and ex-situ multi-physical approaches: Focus on semidilute conditions to progress towards concentrated suspensions. Biomass and Bioenergy, 122, 28-36
  6. Le, T., Anne-Archard, D., Coma, V., Cameleyre, X., Lombard, E., To, K.A., Pham, T.A., Nguyen, T.C., Fillaudeau, L. (2017). Using in-situ viscosimetry and morphogranulometry to explore hydrolysis mechanisms of filter paper and pretreated sugarcane bagasse under semi-dilute suspensions. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 127, 9-20.
  7. Nguyen, T. C., D. Anne-Archard and L. Fillaudeau (2015). Rheology of Lignocellulose Suspensions and Impact of Hydrolysis: A Review. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 149: 325-357.
  8. Mestres, C., T. C. Nguyen, L. Adinsi, J. Hounhouigan, G. Fliedel and G. Loiseau (2015). The interaction between starch hydrolysis and acidification kinetic determines the quality of a malted and fermented sorghum beverage. Journal of Cereal Science 63: 8-13.
  9. Nguyen, T. C., D. Anne-Archard, V. Coma, X. Cameleyre, E. Lombard, C. Binet, A. Nouhen, K. A. To and L. Fillaudeau (2013). In situ rheometry of concentrated cellulose fibre suspensions and relationships with enzymatic hydrolysis. Bioresource Technology 133: 563-572; (IF 7.54).
  10. Nguyen, T. H., T. T. X. Nguyen, T. T. Vu, V. H. Nguyen, T. C. Nguyen. (2021). Ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố công nghệ tới quá trình lên men nước quả Thanh long ruột đỏ Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc. Tạp chí khoa học và công nghệ các trường kỹ thuật, vol 1.1 (03/2021), 62-67.
  11. Vu, T. T., T. T. N. Nguyen, V. H. Nguyen, T. C. Nguyen*, Q. T. Hoang, T. T. Nguyen, T. H. Nguyen, T. H. D. Nguyen, S. Chu-Ky, V. T. Nguyen, T. H. Nguyen. (2020). Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố công nghệ tới sự ổn định của betacyanin trong nước quả Thanh long ruột đỏ (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ các trường kỹ thuật. Vol. 140.
  12. Nguyen, T.C., Nguyen, T.H. (2019). Low temperature amylolysis of sweet potato flour at very high gravity: impact of enzymatic hydrolysis condition. Tạp chí nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn, 21, 63-69.
  13. Nguyen, T. C., T. A. P. Chu, H. V. Nguyen. (2019). In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of garlic allium sativum against poultry pathogens and effect of garlic supplementation on duckling growth performance. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ 57(3B): 9 – 16.
  14. Nguyen, T. C., V. G. Nguyen, T. H. D. Nguyen, H. N. Luong. (2018). Yogurt-like product from fermented maize”: Quality improvement; Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ các trường Kỹ thuật; Vol. 126, p. 44-48.
  15. Nguyen, T. C. and Mestres, C. (2017). Effect of malting conditions to quality of germinated red sorghum. Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ, 55 (1B).
  16. Nguyen, T.C., Le, T.T.T., Nguyen, T.Y., Luong, H.N. (2017). Yogurt-like Product from Fermented Maize Part I: Selection of Starter and Fermentation Conditions. Tạp chí Khoa học công nghệ các trường kỹ thuật, 121, 138-142.


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