Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thanh Tam

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Food Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree Education Organization
2008 Doctor Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
1999 Master of Science Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
1990 Engineer of Food Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Year Occupation Organization
2012 - now: Ass.Prof. of Food Technology
Head of the national technical standards ISO / TC / F8 "Meat and meat products".
School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
2000-2012 Lecturer School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
Expert Department of Science Management, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam.
1991-1996 Technician Haiha Confectionary Company, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Code Course Programme
BF3514 Food Nutrition Food Engineering
BF3532 Process-equipment in Food Technology Food Engineering
BF4515 Postharvest Preservation Food Engineering
BF5513 Technology of products rich in carbohydrate Food Engineering
BF5514 Technology of products rich in protein and lipid Food Engineering
BF5515 Tropical product technology Food Engineering
BF6211 Basics in Food Texture Master Food Engineering                             
BF7210 Changes of food structure and properties during processing PhD
BF7310 Methods Advanced in processing and preserving Food PhD


  • Technology processing and preservation of protein rich products (meat, fish,...)
  • Technology processing and preservation of by-products
  • Exploring the bioactive components from vegetal and microbial to improve quality and food safety


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
National project Pilot production of dry and semidry fermented sausages using biotechnology. State-level project (belong Scheme of development and application of biotechnology in the field of processing industry in 2020, Ministry of Industry and Trade). PI 2015-2017
Research on prodution of some fermented food from pork and beef meat. State-level project. (belong Scheme of development and application of biotechnology in the field of processing industry in 2020, Ministry of Industry and Trade). PI 2011-2012
Research on new methods to preserve and ensure of fresh meat hygiene and food safety in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the major scientific program of state-level KC.07/11-15, Ministry of Science and Technology. Participant 2013-2015
Ministry project Exploration of antimicrobial substances extracted from seafoodmanufacturer byproducts using biological methods and its applicationin raw meat preservation, Ministry of Science and Technology. Participant 2011-2012
Optimization factors in “nem chua” production technology, Ministry of Education and Training. PI 2007-2008
Research damaging agents in the production process “nem chua” and the limited solutions, Ministry of Education and Training. PI 2004-2005
Province project Applied research of natural bioproducts and combine several additives safety to preserving seafood materials in Quang Nam. Quang nam Department of Science and Technology. PI 2023-2024
Research on preservation raw meat (pork, beef, chicken) by nisin and acid organic, Hanoi Department of Science and Technology. Participant 2011-2012
University project Research on the production of calcium lactate from chicken egg shells for application in the food industry PI 2022-2023
Book and Book chapter
  • Le Ngoc Tu (editor), Luu Duan, Luong Hong Nga, Phan Thanh Tam, (2015). Basis of the method of creating structure for food products. Hanoi Polytechnic Publishing House
Intellectual properties
All publications

  • Phan Thanh Tam, Luu Ngoc Phuong, Vu Minh Hang, (2023). Research on quality and shelf life of cool meat of some popular chicken breeds in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Food Control, Vol 6, No2.2023, p166-174.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Truong Nguyet Anh, (2023). Research on production technology of smoked-dried salted pork leg meat to ensure food hygiene and safety. Vietnam Journal of Food Control, Vol 6, No2.2023, p219-229.
  • Nguyen Hai Van, Luu Viet Ha, Hoang Thi Kim Anh, Phan Thanh Tam, (2021). Research on the possibility of preserving fresh pork with a mixture of Litsea cubeba essential oil and chitosan at cold temperatures. Journal of Agriculture and rural development. Vol 9 (5-2021), p81-88, ISNN 1859-4581.
  • Nguyen Hai Van, Phan Thanh Tam, Chu Ky Son, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, (2021). Antibacterial activity and interaction of Litsea cubeba essential oil and chitosan against foodborne bacteria. Journal of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.  Vol 31 (7-2021), p001-006, ISSN 2734-9381.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Houangsa Honglikith, (2021).
    Research on whey protein supplementation to improve emulsified sausage quality. Journal of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Vol 63, No 8 (8-2021), p60-64.ISSN 1859-4794.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Manh Cuong, (2019). Research on the application of biologically active extracts from ginger (Ziniber officinale) and galangal (Alpinia ofcinarum) to preserve white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Journal of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Vol 61, No 12B (12-2019), p51-55, ISSN 1859-4794.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, (2019). Research on production of dry and semi-dry sausages using microbiological technology. Journal of Vietnam Trade and Industry (Special issue - Science and Technology), Vol 38-8/2019, pp 21-24. ISSN 0866-7756.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, (2018). Evaluate the change in quality of cool and warm pork products during storage. Journal of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Vol 60, No 10 (10-2018), p67-72, ISSN 1859-4794.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Manh Cuong, Nguyen Thi Hoài Duc, Ngo Thi Thuy Chinh, (2016). Study on the bioactivity of ginger, galangal extracts of different regions in Vetnam for preserving seafood,(2016). Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam), Vol 54, No 4A, page 63-72, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Minh Đai, (2016). Study on the effect of diameter size on the fermentation, drying and ripening of semi dried sausages. Journal of Vietnam Trade and Industry (Special issue - Science and Technology), Vol 26, 8/2016, pp 28-31. ISSN 0866-7756.
  • Tran Đinh Dung, Phan Thanh Tam, Hoang Đinh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc, (2015). Study on physicochemical, biochemical changes during fermentation of traditional small freshwater shrimp sauce. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam). Vol. 53, No. 4B, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Tran Đinh Dung, Phan Thanh Tam, (2014). Study on production of semidry fermented sausages (Salami) using starter culture. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam). Vol. 52, No. 5C, pp 267-273, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Phan Thanh Tâm, Nguyen Thi Hai Hoa, (2014). Study on production of dry fermented sausages using starter culture in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnam Trade and Industry (Special issue - Science and Technology), Vol 19, 10/2014, pp 33-35. ISSN 0866-7756.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ho Phu Ha, Tran Anh Ngoc, (2012). Study on preservation of raw meat by chitosan. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam). Vol. 50, No. 3A, pp 163-168, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Lieu Ba, Nguyen Thi Tam, (2011). Study on preservation of raw meat by nisin alone and combination. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam). Vol. 49, No. 6A, pp 65-72, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, (2011). Study on production of Thanh Son (Phu Tho) fermented meat using starter culture. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam). Vol. 49, No. 1A, pp 416-424, ISSN 0866 708X.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Thi Nga, (2008). Selecting lactic acid bacteria with high probiotic activities to apply “nem chua” production. Journal of Science and Technology of Technological Universities, No. 65, pp 105-109.
  • Hoang Dinh Hoa, Phan Thanh Tam, (2008). Selecting lactic acid bacteria strain with high- meat proteinase activities to apply in “nem chua” production. Journal of Science and Technology of Technological Universities, No. 64, pp 95-100.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Pham Cong Thanh, (2007). Study on the technology factors affecting “nem chua” quality. Journal of Science and Technology of Technological Universities, No. 62, pp 76-81.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Chu Thi Mai Phuong, (2007). Optimizing the culture conditions to improve bacteriocin synthetic from Lactobacillus plantarum H1.40 and their characteristics. Journal of Science and Technology of Technological Universities, No. 61, pp 107-112.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Pham Cong Thanh, Hoang Dinh Hoa, (2006). Surveying the food safety and hygiene level of “nem chua” products, Journal of Science and Technology of Technological Universities, Vol 55, pp 112-116.
  • Conferences
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Le Ngoc Bien, (2016). Study on selection of suitable surface starter for fermentation, drying, ripening of dry fermented sausage.  Proceeding of the scientific conference in the 60th anniversary Hanoi University of Science and Technology - Advances in food technology and biotechnology: from research to production, 10/2016, Hanoi Bach Khoa Publishing, pages 221-228. ISBN: 978-604-95-0038-1.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Hai Yen, Le Sy Hong Lam, 2016. Exploitation of bioactive components from extracts of ginger, galangal to preserve of squid and cuttlefish. Proceeding of the 10th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) Symposium, Shibaura Institute of Technology (22-24/2/2016), PSO4-02 -OS04 (Bioscience, Biological and Engineering Science. ISSN 1882-5796.
  • Tran Đinh Dung, Phan Thanh Tam, Hoang Đinh Hoa, Tran Thi Huyen Trang, (2015). Quality evaluation of raw materials from small freshwater shrimp selected for produccing sauce. Proceeding of Quality Management and Food Safety Conference, pp 55-62, ISBN: 978-604-913-415-9.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Tran Thi Nhung (2014). Exploitation of bioactive components from extracts of ginger, galangal to preserve shrimp. Proceeding Hội thảo Nghiên cứu và phát triển các sản phẩm tự nhiên lần thứ IV, 11-2014, trang 187-193, ISBN: 978-604-913-254-4.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Vu Thi Lien, Le Sy Hong Lam, (2013). Study on antioxidant and antibacterial capacity of extracts from ginger, galangal, perilla and application on meatball processing. Proceeding of National biotechnology confereence 2013. Vol 2: Bio-organism and bio-plant technology, pp 528-532. ISBN:978-604-913-136-3.
  • T. T.Phan1, L.B.Nguyen1, S.H.L.Le2, (2012). Study on preservation of raw meat by organic aid separately and combination. Proceeding of the 58th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Montreal, Canada. ISBN 978 0 98 104 6365.  
  • PHAN T.T1, LE T.B.T2, (2011). Screening and Selection of Lactic Acid Bacteria with High Antimicrobial Activity for Fermented Sausage Production in Vietnam. Proceeding of the 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Ghent, Belgium. ISBN 978 90 798 92 013. NUR 946.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ta Manh Hieu, (2010). Optimization of technological factors in nem chua processing (Vietnamese traditional fermented meat) using starter cultures. Proceeding of the 4th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) Symposium, Hybrid Twinning Program 2009, pp 94-96. ISSN 1882-5796.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Pham Cong Thanh, Pham Thi Thu Hien, (2006). Study on appliyng garlic products in “nem chua” production technology for improvement quality and extend the self-life. Proceeding of the 20th scientific conference in the 50th anniversary Hanoi University of Technology, Subcommitee of Biological and Food Technology, p 224-229.
  • Hoang Dinh Hoa, Phan Thanh Tam, Pham Thi Thu Hien, (2006). Study on the antimicrobial activity of garlic products for using the garlic as food preservative. Proceeding of the 20th scientific conference in the 50th anniversary Hanoi University of Technology, Subcommitee of Biological and Food Technology, p 120-125, 2006.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha, Hoang Dinh Hoa, (2005). Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum H1.40 from Vietnamese Tradition Fermented Meat (“nem chua”). Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, Science and Techniques Publishing House , Vol 1: Biotechnology and Food Engineering, p121-126.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ha Hai Yen, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha, (2005). Study on the Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from nem chua (Vietnamese Fermented Meat). Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005, Science and Techniques Publishing House, Vol 1: Biotechnology and Food Engineering, p115-120.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, (2003). Study on effects of carbonhydrate ‘s content and source on lactic fermentation and sausages qualities. Proceedings of the 8th Asean Food Conference (AFC 03), Vol 2, p679-684.


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