Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Vo Thi Le Ha

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental management, Energy – Environment and Climate change

Scientific background


Year Degree Institution
2022 Doctor Kyoto University, Japan
2006 Master University of Phillipines, Phillipines
2002 Bachelor Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Time Position Organization
2008-now Lecturer Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
2006-2008 Researcher Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
2002-2004 Researcher Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Course name Program
Environmental Economics Environmental management
Hazardous waste management Environmental management and Environmental Engineering
Fundamental Production Process Environmental management and Environmental Engineering
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
Natural resources and environmental management


  • Indoor air management
  • Health risk and ecological risk assessment
  • Environmental Economics


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Hanoi University of Science and Technology Estimation health burden and economic loss attributable to PM2.5 pollution in ambient air in urban areas in Vietnam - Code: T2020-PC-226 Leader 2020-2021
Hanoi University of Science and Technology Assessing the presence of some heavy metals in cheap children's toys in Hanoi and their health risks - Code: T2016-PC-137 Leader 2016-2017
Nafosted Research on the characteristics of PM2.5 Nano particles and their contribution of secondary particles to PM2.5 during pollution episodes in Hanoi - Code 17 - Earth & Environmental Sciences member 2020-2023
Ministrial level Research and develop emission maps of air pollutants to serve forecasting and controlling air pollution in the Northern key economic region member 2020-2022
City level Study on the health impact from beehive coal stove usage in households in Hanoi member 2018-2019
– WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Develop a plan for classifying, collecting, transporting and treating domestic solid waste in A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province, Tuy Hoa city and Ha Tinh city member 2023-2024
International cooperation Research on the presence of formaldehyde and BTEX compounds (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylene and Xylene) in the indoor airs and evaluate the impact on public health in Hanoi Leader 2016-2017
PM2.5 -bound PAHs in the indoor and outdoor air of nursery schools in Hanoi, Vietnam and health implication. Leader 2017-2018

All publications
  1. Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Dao Duy Nam, Nghiem Trung Dung, and Ly Thuy Bich. Occurrence of PM2.5 and PM0.1 at high polluting event days in Ha Noi and health implication. Vietnam J. Sci. Technol., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 471–479, Apr. 2023,
  2. Vo Thi Le Ha, Hoang Thi Van, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang. Study on the biogas potential from pig farms in Vietnam, TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 229(05): 35 – 42.
  3. Le-Ha T. Vo, Minoru Yoneda, Trung-Dung Nghiem, Kazuhiko Sekiguchi, Yuji Fujitani, Duc Nam Vu, Thu-Hien T. Nguyen, Characterisation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with indoor PM0.1 and PM2.5 in Hanoi and implications for health risks, Environmental Pollution, Volume 343, 2024, 123138, ISSN 0269-7491,
  4.  Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Dao Duy Nam, Nghiem Trung Dung, and Ly Thuy Bich, “Concentrations of PM0.1 and PM2.5 at high polluting event days in Ha Noi and the effects of meteorological conditions”, Vietnam J. Sci. Technol., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 471–479, Apr. 2023
  5. Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Do Thi Lan Chi, Vu Duc Toan. Estimation health burden and economic loss attributable to PM2.5 pollution in ambient air in urban areas in Vietnam. Pollution Research, 41 (4) : 1296-1305 (2022)
  6. Dieu-Anh , VanTuan V, VuThu-Hien T Nguyen, Le-Ha T. Vo, Nhung Hong Le, Phan H.T. Nguyen, Prapat Pongkiatkul, Bich-Thuy Ly. A Review of Characteristics, Causes, and Formation Mechanisms of Haze in Southeast Asia, Current Pollution Reports, June 2022, 8(2), pages 201- 220,
  7. Le-Ha T. Vo, Minoru Yoneda, Trung-Dung Nghiem, Kazuhiko Sekiguchi, Yuji Fujitani and Yoko Shimada. Seasonal variation of size-fractionated particulate matter in residential houses in urban area in Vietnam: relationship of indoor and outdoor particulate matter and mass size distribution, International conference of civil and environmental engineering, E3S Web of Conferences
  8. Le-Ha T. Vo, Minoru Yoneda, Trung-Dung Nghiem, Yoko Shimada, Dieu-Anh Van, Thu-Hien T. Nguyen, Thuong T. Nguyen, Indoor PM0.1 and PM2.5 in Hanoi: Chemical characterization, source identification, and health risk assessment, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2022, 101324.
  9. Vo Thi Le Ha , Truong Thi Thanh, Dao Van Phuc, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Ly Bich Thuy. Personal exposure assessment of fine particulate matter for commuters in Hanoi, , TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 226(06): 48 - 56
  10. Thi Le Ha VO, Yoko SHIMADA, Minoru YONEDA. Indoor concentration and personal exposure to parrticulate matter in Vietnam: a country report, Global Environment Engineering Research, Vol.28
  11. V. T. L. Ha, V. D. Anh, N. T. T. . Hien, N. T. Dung, Y. . Simada, and M. . Yoneda, “Indoor and outdoor relationships of particle with different sizes in an apartment in Hanoi: mass concentration and respiratory dose estimation”, Vietnam J. Sci. Technol., vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 736–746, Dec. 2020
  12. Tran, T.D., Nguyen, T.X., Nguyen, H.T.T. Vo. T.L.H. et al. Seasonal Variation, Sources, and Health Risk Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor BTEX at Nursery Schools in Hanoi, Vietnam. Water Air Soil Pollut 231, 273 (2020).
  13.   Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Bich Thuy Ly, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien,
    Dang Viet Lam, Le Thanh Thuy, Nghiem Trung Dung, 2020. Study on the health impact from beehive coal stove usage in households in Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 3A: 222-229. doi:10.15625/2525-2518/58/3A/14354.
  14. Vo Thi Le Ha, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nghiem Trung Dung, Nguyen Lan Anh, Thai Ha Vinh, Minoru Yoneda, 2020. PM2.5 -bound PAHs in the indoor and outdoor air of nursery schools in Hanoi, Vietnam and health implication. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 58, No. 3: 319-327. Doi: 10.15625/2525-2518/58/3/14224.
  1. Vo Thi Le Ha, Nguyen Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nghiem Trung Dung và Minoru Yoneda, 2020. Exposure assessment of BTEX compounds among safeguards in underground parking garages in high buildings in Hanoi. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 225, No. 2: 91-98.
  2. Vo Thi Le Ha, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nghiem Trung Dung, Minoru Yoneda, Thai Ha Vinh, 2017. Preliminary assessment of BTEX concentrations indoor and outdoor air in residential homes in Hanoi, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VAST), Vol. 55, No. 4C: 78-84.
  3. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Vo Thi Le Ha, Nghiem Trung Dung, 2016. Application of pollution indices for assessing heavy metal pollution and ecological risk in soil at an e-waste recycling village, Hung Yen province. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ (các trường đại học kỹ thuật), Số 111: 52 – 58
  4. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Vo Thi Le Ha, Nghiem Trung Dung, 2015. Health Risk Implication on As and Heavy Metal Contamination in Groundwater in Quynh Phu District, Thai Binh Province. Proceedings of International Conference on Livelihood Development and Sustainable Environmental Management in the Context of Climate Change. Thai Nguyen, November 14, 2015. Agriculture Publishing House (ISBN 978-604-60-2164-3): 398-405.


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