Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Nguyen Pham Hong Lien

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental technology; Environmental science; Energy, Environment and Climate Change

Scientific background


Year Degree Academic Institution
2007 Doctor Kyoto University, Japan
2004 Master of Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
2002 Engineer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2007-now Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam  
2004-2007 PhD student Kyoto University, Japan  
2003-2004 Graduate student Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand  
2002-2003 Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam  


Course name Program
  • Reaction Engineering
  • Wastewater treatment engineering
  • Organic waste treatment engineering
  • Wastewater treatment by natural processes
  • Biological processing of wastes
  • Sludge control engineering
  • Emerging pollutants
  • System analysis for water and wastewater engineering
Environmental Engineering
  • Basic processes in environmental technology II
  • Valorization of Green Wastes for Production Value-added Materials
Natrual resources and envionmental management
  • Introduction to Industrial Env. Protection Eng.


  • Treatment of organic wastes (solid waste, sludge, agricultural waste/by-products, etc) using biological methods (anaerobic, aerobic, etc) for material and energy recovery.
  • Wastewater treatment by natrual processes
  • Emerging pollutants


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
National project Research on technology to treat persistent organic compounds containing fluorine element (FPOPs) in wastewater using adsorbent - catalytic materials Participate 2019-2023
National project Completing the technology and integrated system of physical chemistry - biology - ecology to treat leachate to meet waste discharge regulations Participate 2018-2021
International cooperation project GREEN waste management new edUcation System for recycling and environmental protection in asia (GREENUS) Participate 2021-2024
HUST Determination the BMP - biochemical methane potential of cassava residue from cassava starch processing activities in Duong Lieu craft village, Hanoi Principle investigator 2019-2020
HUST Study on determination of "BMP - biochemical methane potential" of arrowroot residue waste in Duong Lieu craft village for the possibility of anaerobic treatment to recover biogas. Principle investigator 2017-2018
All publications
  • Jakpong Moonkawin, Loi T. Huynh, Mariane Y. Schneider, Shigeo Fujii, Shinya Echigo, Lien P. H. Nguyen, Thu-Huong T. Hoang, Hai T. Huynh, and Hidenori Harada (2023) “Challenges to Accurate Estimation of Methane Emission from Septic Tanks with Long Emptying Intervals. Environmental Science & Technology 57 (43), 16575-16584
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Tran Le Minh, Huynh Trung Hai (2021) Bio-Methane Potential (BMP) of Cassava Pulp Waste and Effect of Alkaline Pre-Treatment. Journal of Science and Technology: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, 31(4) 026-031
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Huynh Trung Hai (2021). Co-Digestion of pig manure and household organic waste in domestic biogas digester. Journal of Analytical Sciences, 26 (3A), 227-233
  • Loi Tan Huynh, Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, Lien Pham Hong Nguyen, Thu-Huong Thi Hoang, and Hai Trung Huynh (2021) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Blackwater Septic SystemsEnvironmental Science & Technology 55 (2), 1209-1217
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Tran Dac Chi, Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii (2018) Biomethane potential (BMP) of arrowroot powder processing waste and effect of alkaline pre-treatment, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST), Vol 56, No 2C (Aug 2018), 171-178 
  • Mai Tanaka, Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, Min Li Chua, Nguyen Duy Hung, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Nghiem Trung Dung, Ryota Gomi (2018) FECAL CONTAMINATION AND THE PROPORTION OF HUMAN-ASSOCIATED E. COLI ALONG NHUE RIVER, VIET NAM, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST), Vol 56, No 2C (Aug 2018), 16-22
  • Timothy R. Julian, Hasitha S.K. Vithanage, Min Li Chua, Matasaka Kuroda, Ana K. Pitol,Pham Hong Lien Nguyen, Robert A. Canales, Shigeo Fujii, Hidenori Harada (2018) High time-resolution simulation of E. coli on hands reveals large variation in microbial exposures amongst Vietnamese farmers using human excreta for agriculture, Science of the total environment, 635 (Sep 2018): 120-131
  • Huong Giang Pham, Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, Pham Hong Lien Nguyen, Trung Hai Huynh (2017) “Transition of human and livestock waste management in rural Hanoi: a material flow analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus during 1980–2010”. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol. 19 , No. 2
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Shigeo Fujii, Hidenori Harada (2016) Effect of OD20 (twenty-hour oxygen demand) on start-up inhibiton in high-solids anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste and septage, Proceedings of International Conference on Enviornmental Engineering and Management for Sustainable Development, Bach Khoa Publishing House, 9/2016, 105-110.
  • P. H. Giang, H. Harada, S. Fujii, N. P. H. Lien, H. T. Hai, P. N. Anh and S. Tanaka (2015) Transition of fertilizer application and agricultural pollution loads: a case study in the Nhue-Day River basin, Water Science & Technology, 72.7 | 2015, 1072-1081
  • Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, AyanoTakagi, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Huynh Trung Hai (2014) Water balance of Nhue river basin: preliminaryesults for urban and suburban areas, Journal of Science and Technology, 52(3A), 154-160
  • Harada, H., Fujii, S., Lien, N. P. H., Giang, P. H., Takagi, A., Komai, T., Tanaka, S. and Hai, H. T.  (2013) Water and material balance study in the Nhue-Day river basin, Vietnam: Preliminary results, Journal of Science and Technology, 51(3B), 82-89.
  • Anh, P. N., Harada, H., Fujii, S., Lien, N. P. H., Hai, H. T. and Tanaka, S. (2013) To Lich river pollution loads and its household wastewater contribution, Journal of Science and Technology, 51(3B), 133-139.
  • Giang, P. H., Harada, H., Fujii, S., Lien, N. P. H., Hai, H. T. and Tanaka,S. (2013) Agricultural recycling of domestic wastes during 1980-2010 in a sub-urban community in Hanoi, Vietnam: a nitrogen and phosphorus flow analysis, Journal of Science and Technology, 51(3B), 112-118.
  • Chinagarn Kunacheva, Shigeo Fujii, Shuhei Tanaka, S.T.M.L.D. Seneviratne, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Munehiro Nozoe, Koji Kimura, Binaya Shivakoti, Hidenori Harada (2012) Worldwide survey of perfluorooctan sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in water environment in recent years”, Water Science and Technology, No. 66, pp. 2764-2771
  • Pham Khanh Huy, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Do Cao Cuong, and Nguyen Mai Hoa. (2012) Domestic wastewater treatment by duckweed pond (Nghiên cứu xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt bằng mô hình hồ thuỷ sinh nuôi bèo lục bình)”, Journal of Mining and Geology Science and Technology (Tap chi hoa hoc cong nghe mo – dia chat), 40,  16-21
  • Harada, H., Kimoto, Y., Fujii, S., Lien, N. P. H. and Hai, H. T. (2012) Evaluation of Inactivation Process of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Dry Toilet, Journal of Science and Technology, 50(1C), 145-150
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Do Quoc Cuong, Shigeo Fujii, Hidenori Harada.  (2012) Co-digestion of municipal biowaste and sewage sludge for biogas production: technical feasibility for the wastes of Hanoi”, Journal of Science and Technology, 1C(50), 2,Tr 1-8
  • Ngo Thi Van Anh, and Nguyen Pham Hong Lien (2011). Dying wastewater treatment by oxidation with [Mn(Lm)HCO3] catalyst (Nghiên cứu xử lý nước thải dệt nhuộm bằng phương pháp oxy hóa xúc tác phức [Mn(Lm)HCO3]). Journal of Marince Science and Technology “, Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Hàng hải, 28, 68-72
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Shigeo Fujii, Hidenori Harada, and Tran Thi Bich Thao. (2011) Dry anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of Hanoi municipal solid waste: effects of inoculums ratio and septic tank sludge addition”, Journal of Science and Technology - University of Danang, 4(45), 91-98
  • Hidenori Harada, Shigeo Fujii, Tasuku Adachi, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien and Huynh Trung Hai(2011), “ Photphorus flow analysis in Hanoi focusing on waste, agriculture and stockbreeding. Journal of Science and Technolog y - University of Danang”, 4(45), 59-65
  • Nguyễn Phạm Hồng Liên, Trần Mạnh Hà, Nguyễn Thu Trang. (2010) “Xác định khả năng mêtan sinh hóa (BMP) của chất thải rắn hữu cơ đô thị tại Hà Nội”, Thermal energy review (Tạp chí Năng lượng nhiệt), 96, 22-24
  • Hidenori Harada, Tasuku Adachi, Shigeo Fujii, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, and Huynh Trung Hai (2010), ”Phosphorus flow analysis in Hanoi focussing on wastewater, agriculture and stockbreeding, Environmental Engineering Research, Vol 47, pp 465-474
  • Binaya Raj Shivakoti, Shuhei Tanaka, Shigeo Fujii, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Munehiro Nozoe, Chinagarn Kunacheva, Risa Okamoto, STMLD Seneviratne and Hiroaki Tanaka(2010), Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in Yodo River system, Japan, Water Science & Technology, Vol 63 No 1 pp 115–123
  • Chinagarn KUNACHEVA, Shigeo FUJII, Shuhei TANAKA, Ann ANTON, Maketab MOHAMED, Mohamad Pauzi ZAKARIA, Nguyen Pham Hong LIEN, Munehiro NOZOE, and Koji KIMURA(2009)., Contamination of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Water Environment in Malaysia, Advances in Asian Environmental Engineering, 8(1), 7-12
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Shigeo Fujii, Shuhei Tanaka, Munehiro Nozoe, Wanpen Wirojanagud, Ann Anton, and Huynh Trung Hai(2008), Occurrences of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in surface water of Southeast Asian countries, Advances in Asian Environmental Engineering, 7(1), 33-40 
  • JY Hu, J.Yu, S.Tanaka, S. Fujii, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien (2008), Occurrence of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Water and Wastewater of Singapore, Advances in Asian Environmental Engineering, 7(1), 47-52
  • N. P. Hong-Lien, S. Fujii, S. Tanaka, M. Nozoe, and H. Tanaka 2008), Contamination of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in surface water of the Yodo River basin (Japan), The International Journal on the Scienceand Technology of Desalting and Water Purification (Desalination), 226, 338-347
  • Shuhei TANAKA, Shigeo FUJII, Nguyen Pham Hong LIEN, Munehiro NOZOE, Chinagarn KUNACHEVA, Koji KIMURA, and Binaya SHIVAKOTI(2008), Contamination of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluooctanoate (PFOA) in Water Environment of 21 Cities in 10 Countries, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 31 (11), 665-670 ( METAWATER AWARDS)
  • Shigeo Fujii, Chongrak Polprasert, Shuhei Tanaka, Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Yong Qiu (2007), New POPs in the water environment: distribution, bioaccumulation and treatment of perfluorinated compounds - a review paper, Journal of Water Supply: Research & Technology - AQUA, 56(5), 313-326
  • P.H.L. Nguyen, P. Kuruparan, and C. Visvanathan(2007),  "Anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste as a treatment prior to landfill", Bioresource Technology, 98(2), 380-387.
  • Nguyen Pham Hong Lien, Shigeo Fujii, Shuhei Tanaka, Munehiro Nozoe, Wanpen Wirojanagud, Ann Anton, Gunilla Lindstrom(2006), Perfluorinated Substances in TAP Water of Japan and Several Countries and their Relationship to Surface Water Contamination, Environmental Engineering Research (Japanese Journal),
    43, 611-618
  • Tanaka S., Fujii S., Lien N.P.H, Nozoe M., Fukagawa H., Wapen Wirojanagud, Ann Anton and Gunilla L. (2006).A simple pre-treatment procedure in PFOS and PFOA water analysis and its application in several countries”, Organohalogen Compounds, 68, 527-530
  • Dang Kim Chi, Duong Dac Tuan, and Nguyen Pham Hong Lien(2003), Study on applying coagulation to treatment of paper reproduction's effluent in a handicraft village (Nghiên cứu phương pháp keo tụ tạo bong trong xử lý nước thải sản xuất giấy tái chế tại làng nghề), Journal of Science and Technology (Tạp chí khoa học và công nghệ các trường đại học kỹ thuật), 40, 132-137


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