Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đang Xuan Hien

Position: Senior Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental Technology

Scientific background


Course ID Course name Program
EV3118 Wastewater treatment techniques Environmental Engineering
EV4119 Water treatment techniques; Environmental Engineering
EV5121 Application of membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment Environmental Engineering
EV5142 Model application in wastewater treatment system design Environmental Engineering
EV6126 Advanced wastewater treatment techniques Master in
Environmental Engineering
EV6106 Advanced physicochemical processes in water and wastewater technology Master in
Environmental Engineering
EV6111 Membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment Master in
Environmental Engineering
EV6110 Nitrogen and phosphorus treatment processes in wastewater Master in
Environmental Engineering
EV6115 Numerical models applied in water environment engineering; Master in
Environmental Engineering
EV6116 Systems analysis in water and wastewater technology Master in
Environmental Engineering

Advanced processes in water and wastewater technology

PhD in
Environmental Engineering


  • Research and develop advanced physicochemical techniques in water and wastewater treatment (oxidation techniques with nano catalysts, heterogeneous catalysts and other advanced oxidation techniques; adsorption; exchange ion); Research and development of membrane technology applied in water treatment, desalination of seawater, brackish water and wastewater treatment.
  • Research and develop advanced biological technologies and combined biological technologies applied in the treatment of domestic, industrial and leachate wastewater.
  • Modeling and mathematical simulation of biological processes in wastewater treatment systems using biological methods; applying models in technology selection, design and technology optimization; calculate greenhouse gas emissions based on numerical models; Ecological simulation - water quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries and groundwater.


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Ministerial research project Mathematical modeling of NO3 in river flow. Principal promoter 1992 - 1994
National research project
Research on scientific basis of the air and water environment monitoring system in Vietnam. Branch project of national research project KT-02-03, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, 1992-1994. Participant 1992 - 1994
National research project
Research on marine pollution assessment and prevention solutions, branch of national research project KT-03-21, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, 1992-1994. Participant 1992 - 1994
Branch project of of national research project Mathematical modeling of BOD5 and DO in river system. A branch project of of national research project, code KT-02-03 Principal promoter 1993 - 1994
Branch project of of national research project Evaluation of the potential of oil pollution in the South China Sea. A branch project of of national research project, code KT-03-21 Principal promoter 1993 - 1994
National research project
Forecast and propose synchronous solutions to prevent and minimize negative impacts of energy development on the environment;  national research project, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, 1998-2001. Participant 1998 - 2001
Ministerial research project Research on appropriate technology for wastewater treatment from washing workshop of garment industry, code B2004-28-157 Principal promoter 2004 - 2005
University research project Studying on improving of treatment efficiency of Cu, Ni, Zn from electroplating industry; code T2004, University research project Principal promoter 2004
Ministerial research project Building a model for applying advanced technological and equipment in treatment of washing wastewater of garment enteprises, piloting it at Ha Nam Garment Factory. Ministerial research project, 2004 Principal promoter 2003 - 2004
University research project Research on treatment of wastewater from printing industry; research project, code T2005-80, University research project Principal promoter 2005
University research project Research on treatment of wastewater from paint industry; research project, code T2006. University research project Principal promoter 2006
Ministerial research project Research on appropriate technology for treatment of high polluted waste solutions from electronic and surface processing industries; code B2006-01-61, Ministrial research project Principal promoter 2006 - 2007
Key technology incubation project at ministerial level Research on innovative treatment technology, designing and installation of ultrapure wat,r purification system for clinical, pharmaceutical, high tech sectors, and seawater desalination system supplying domestic water for islands and coastal zones in Vietnam; Key technology incubation project at ministerial level, code 17/UTCN-2006-2007/ĐHBKHN Principal promoter 2006 - 2007
Key research project of Hanoi city level Research on innovative treatment technology, designing and installation of system for precious metals recovering and organic pollutants removal from waste liquor and industrial wastewater in Hanoi; Key research project of Hanoi city level, code 01C – 09/02 – 2007 – 2 Principal promoter 2007 - 2008
National research project Research on integrating technology of appropriate effective and ecological sustainable physiochemical biological processes for treatment of leachate from landfill; national research project, code KC.08.05/11-15 Principal promoter 2012 - 2015
National research project Completing and Optimization of integrated physicochemical-biological-ecological technology for treatment of leachate from landfill that to meet discharge regulations;  national research project, code KC08.DA02/16-20 Principal promoter 2018 - 2021

Intellectual properties
  1. Equipment of ultrapure water production for medicine and high-tech industries; Department of Intellectual Property, 2009.
  2. Treatment process of leachate from landfills; The National Office of Intellectual Property accepted the application on January 20, 2016.
  3. Equipment system of integrated physical-chemical - biological - ecological to treat leachate from landfills; Department of Intellectual Property, industrial design protection, 2021.
  4. Equipment integrating physicochemical - biological - ecological technology in modular form for leachate treatment; The Intellectual Property Office accepted the application, October 28, 2021.

All publications
1. D.X.Hien, T.H. Nhue. A numerical model for simulation of algae and algae growth in the river system. Journal of construction, pp.24-27, ISSN 0866-0762, July 1999.
2. D.X.HienA numerical model for simulation of NO3 in the river system. Journal of Hydrometeorology, ISSN 0866-8744, pp.36-42, July 1999.
3. D.X.HienA numerical model for simulation of ecology and some biological processes in river flow, Journal of Hydrometeorology, ISSN 0866-8744, pp. 15-19, number 8(464)/1999.
4. D.X.HienMathematical modelling of nitrification process in river and river system, pp. 11-12, No 95, Journal of Builder, ISSN 0866- 8531,  July 1999.
5. D.X.HienModel and numerical technique for simulation of substances transport in the river system. Journal of water resources, 332/1+2/2000, ISSN 0886-8736, pp. 34-35, No 1+2/1999.Hanoi, 1999.
6. Dang Xuan HienCalculating- and prediction technology of water quality in rivers. Proceedings of scientific conference 12th, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi February 1998.
7. Dang Xuan HienTwo-dimensional numerical simulation of water quality in estuary. Proceedings of scientific conference 12th, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi February 1998.
8.Dang Xuan HienModeling of biofilm. Proceedings of 19th scientific conference, Hanoi University of technology, pp.81-88, Hanoi, August,  2001.
9. Dang Xuan HienMathematical modeling of toxic substances transport in groundwater/ Proceedings of 19th scientific conference, Hanoi University of technology, pp.74-81, Hanoi, August 2001.
10. Dang Xuan HienMultispecies solute transport in ground water, Proceedings of scientific conference, Hanoi University of technology, Hanoi, August 2001.
11. Dang Xuan HienTwo-dimentional numerical model for simulation of ecological species in estuary, Proceedings of 19th scientific conference, Hanoi University of technology, pp.68-73, Hanoi, August,  2001.
12. Dang Xuan HienEnvironmental problems during flood season in Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) of North-middle Vietnam. Proceeding of International Workshop on GMS Water Environment, pp. 26-31, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, August 22-23, 2002.
13. Dang Xuan HienIndustrial environmental issues: problems and barriers of pollution control and wider environmental technology dissemination in Vietnam.  Workshop on   Environmental technology transfer, pp. 9-19, Yokkaichi, Japan, 2003.
14. Dang Xuan HienTwo-dimensional mathematical modelling for simulation of nitrogen substances in estuaries. Proceeding of the 20th scientific conference, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Session of Environmental Science and Technology pp.224-230 (pub,lication license No. 547-2006/05-08/BKHN), Hanoi, October 2006.
15. Dang Xuan HienTwo-dimensional numerical model for simulation of algae growth in estuaryProceeding of scientific conference, pp.123-133, University of marine, Haiphong, October  2007 (publication license No. 743-2007/CXB/02-121/BKHN), 9/2007.
16. Dang Xuan Hien, Dang Kim Chi, Tran Thi Thu Hien. Studying on recovery and treatment of Cu from waste liquor of electronic and surface processing industry. Proceeding of scientific conference, University of marine, Haiphong, October 2007.
17. Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Hieu Nhue. Numerical model for simulation of Ke Sat river water quality serving of planning and optional usage of river water resource. Proceeding of scientific conference of Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, 2008
18. D.X.Hien, C.X.Mai. Research on ammonia treatment in groundwater by ion exchange methodJournal of construction, pp.51-55, No. 12, ISSN 0866 8762, Juni 2009.
19. D.X.HienApplied research of reverse osmosis technology for seawater desalination supplying domestic water for coastal zone and islands. Journal of applied chemistry, ISSN 0866 7004, pp.35-39, No. 12 (96), Juni 2009.
20. D.X.Hien, N.D.Mai. Research on membrane technology design for seawater desalination based on ROSA software. Journal of Builder, ISSN 0866 8531, pp. 51-53, Juni 2009.
21.  D.X.Hien, L.T.T. Phuong. Research on treatment of COD and colour of oil-containing wastewater of mechanical and surface processing sector by comprising of E-Fenton and adsorption technique. J. Labour protection, ISSN 0866-7004, pp.12-15, No. 174, Juni 2009.
22. D.X.Hien, V.T. Minh. Research on wastewater treatment of monetary printing plant by comprising of E-Fenton and adsorption technique. Journal of applied chemistry, ISSN 0866 7004, pp.30-33+48, No. 16 (100), 2009.
23. D.X.Hien, Van H.T., et al. Treatment of leachate by combining PAC and UV/O3 processes. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Journal of Vietnamese environment ISSN 2193-6471, Vol.3, No. 1-2, October 2012.
24. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Dang Xuan HienComparison of leachate treating capacities between by ozone oxidation process and UV/O3 advanced oxidation process. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1859 3828, pp. 15-20, No.4, 2013.  
25. Dang Xuan Hien, Van Huu TapResearch on the treatment of leachate from solid waste’s burial site using O3 and UV/O3 catalytic agents. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866 708X, pp224-230, volume 51, No 3B, 2013.
26. Dang Xuan HienBui Duc Minh, Vu Quang. Treating ammonium in leachate using MAP precipitation technique. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866 708X, pp254-260, volume 51, No 3B, 2013.
27. Dang Xuan HienBui Trong Boi. Some experimental results of applying the MBBR technology to treat leachate from Nam Son waste burial site. Vietnamese Journal of Applied Chemistry, ISSN 1859- 4069, pp. 39-42, No 2 (24) /2014.
28.Dang Xuan Hien, Le Van Dan. Selecting suitable leachate-treating technologies using numerical models. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 66-69, No.12-2013.
29. Dang Xuan HienNguyen Duy Thanh. Research on integrated technology of Physicochemical – Biological to treat leachate based on numerical model. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 127-130, No. 1-2014.  
30. Dang Xuan HienNguyen Huu NamResearch on applying USBF technology to tre at nitrogen and phosphorus-rich wastewater resulting from food processing. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 86-89, No.5-2014.
31. Dang Xuan HienNguyen Van Quyet. Simulation of leachate treatment using MBR technology based on a numerical model. Journal of Applied Chemistry, ISSN 1859- 4069, pp.29-33, No.4 (26) /2014.
32. D.X. Hien, Van H.T., et al. Combination of ozone and ceramic raschig ring to improve the efficiency of landfill leachate treatment. ASEAN Journal for chemistry, ISSN 0970- 7077, Asian J. Chem., 2014, 26 (10), pp 3105-3108.
33.  Dang Xuan HienNguyen Tuan Anh. Model-assisted Research of leachate treatment using constructed wetland based on model. Journal of Applied Chemistry, ISSN 1859- 4069, pp.37-42, No.5 (27) /2014.
34.    Do Thi Hong Dung, Dang Xuan HienApplication of AO-USBF (upflow sludge blanket filtration) technology in treating leachate from burial sites of concentration household waste. Journal of Science, Institute of Agricultural Science, ISSN 1859-1558, pp. 143-148, No. 1(47), 2014.   
35.Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Dang Xuan HienTreating leachates using Fenton/UV advanced oxidation technique. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 35-38, No.02-2015.
36. Dang Xuan HienNguyen Van Kien, Research on optimizing of biological processes in the treatment of landfill leachate. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 38-42, No.3-2015.
37. Dang Xuan Hien, Bui Van Anh. Research on ammonium recovery in leachate from landfill by MAP chemical precipitation method. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.106-109, No.4-2015.
38.Dang Xuan HienLe Duy Khanh. Research on anaerobic biological technology to treat leachate from landfill. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.100-102, No.5-2015.
39. Cung Thi Ngoc Mai, Le Thi Nhi Cong, Nghiem Ngoc Minh, Phi Quyet Tien, Dang Xuan Hien. (2014) Research on the Triglyceride-decomposing capacity of BNST1 bacterial species isolated from leachates in Nam Son landfill. Journal of Biotechnology, volume 12(3): 581-588, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 1811-4989.
40. Dang Xuan HienNguyen Tien Duc. The treatment of leachate using AO-MBR membrane technology. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, PP. 71-73, No.11-2015.  
41. Dang Xuan HienVu Quang. Application of MBBR (Moving bed Biofilm reactor) technology in treating leachates. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 98-100, No 11-2015.
42. Dang Xuan Hien, Bui Phuong Thao. Research on the MBBR technology’s optimal state to treat leachate. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 71-73, No. 12-2015.
43. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Hoa. Research on the effect of hydraulic retention time and concentration of biomass on the AO-MBR leachate treatment technology. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.129-131, No.1 - 2016.
44. Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Thi Phuong, Tran Minh Duc. Applying of Mn-doping TiO2 as a photocatalytic agent to treat landfill leachate. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 58-61, No.4- 2016.
45. Dang Xuan HienDo Huyen Trang, Nguyen Thi Van Anh. Application of mathematical models to assess greenhouse gas emission from wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, PP. 27-30, No.2-2016.  
46.Tran Minh Duc, Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Thu, Nguyen Bich Ngan. Photodegradation of non-biodegradable organic compounds in landfill leachate by nanocomposite of Zn – TiO2 – bentonite. Proceedings of the international conference “Environmental engineering and management for sustainable development” anniversary celebration of 60th year Hanoi University of Science and Technology”, ISBN 978-604-95-0000-8, pp.3-8, Bach Khoa publishing house, 2016.
47. Dinh Van Vien, Dang Xuan Hien, Phan Do Hung. Study on Effect of Organic and Nitrogen Loads, and Ratio of COD/N to Treatment Efficiency of Sequencing Batch Airlift Reactor (SBAR). Proceedings of the international conference “Environmental engineering and management for sustainable development” anniversary celebration of 60th year Hanoi University of Science and Technology”, ISBN 978-604-95-0000-8, pp.15-21, Bach Khoa publishing house, 2016.
48. Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Van Nhan, Nguyen Hoang Thanh. Research on the effects of environmental water factors to the growth and survival rate of catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) with different densities in the Mekong farms. Proceedings of the international conference “Environmental engineering and management for sustainable development” anniversary celebration of 60th year Hanoi University of Science and Technology”, ISBN 978-604-95-0000-8, pp. 61-67, Bach Khoa publishing house, 2016.
49. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Duc ToanResearch on the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from domestic wastewater treatment systems based on a model in VietnamTechnische Universitaet Dresden. Journal of Vietnamese environment ISSN 2193-6471, Volume 8, No 4, pp.217-222, October 2016.
50. Dang Xuan Hien, Le Thi Ngoc Anh, Tran Minh Duc. Application of photochemical techniques based on the FE3O4-TIO2 nanocomposite to treat leachates. Journal of construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.14-17, No.12-2016.
51. Dang Xuan Hien, Mai Thi Thu, Tran Minh Duc. Research and apply photochemical techniques based on the FE3O4-TIO2 nanocomposite to treat leachates. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.18-21, No.12-2016.
52. Dang Xuan Hien, Doan Thi Thu Hoai, Tran Minh Duc. Application of photochemical catalysts on TiO2/graphene oxide nanocomposite to treat landfill leachate. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.185-190, No.4-2017.
53. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Van Hanh. Treating carbon and nitrogen-rich wastewater using MBBR technology. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.173-177, No.4-2017.
54. Dang Xuan HienTran Thi Phuong. Evalution of applying Fe(II)-doping laterite ore to remove arsenic in groundwater. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.21-25, No.6-2017.
55. Tran Minh Duc, Dang Xuan Hien. Photodegradation of non-biodegradable organic compounds in landfill leachate by Mn–TiO2–bentonite. Proceedings of IFGTM on “New approaches and Solutions in Environmental Protection Towards Sustainable Development”, 2017.
56. Tran Minh Duc, Dang Xuan HienPhotodegradation of non-biodegradable organic compounds in landfill leachate by Mn-TiO2-bentonite. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 2525-2518, pp. 304-310, No 55 (4C), 2017.
57.  Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Truong Ngoc Trinh. Evaluating the addition of enzyme phytase to feed consumption efficiency and phosphorous concentration in the outlet water and sludge of pangasius pond. ISBN 987-604-95-0308-5. The 10th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2017 (RC EnE 2017). pp.169-171, Oct 2017.
58. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Duc Toan, Dang Thanh Son. Numerical model for estimating greenhouse gases emissions from Pulp and Paper industrial wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnamese environment, Technische Universitaet Dresden. ISSN 2193-6471, Volume 9,  No 3, pp.162-168, 2018.
59. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Tran Minh Duc, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy. Research on the properties of TiO2 nanocomposite built on a foundation of graphene oxide (GO)Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762. pp.51-54, No. 2-2018
60. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Tran Minh Duc, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy. Application of TiO2/GO (graphene oxide) nanocomposite to treat COD and assess coloring in landfill leachateJournal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp. 70-73, No.2-2018.
61.Tran Minh Duc, Dang Xuan HienSynthesis of graphene oxide – Titanium dioxide (GO-TiO2) nanocomposite by hydrothermal processes and phenol decomposition under visible light. Journal of Analytical Sciences, ISSN 0868-3224, pp. 183-190, T23, No.4, 2018.
62. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Cao Van Hoang, Nguyen Thi Lieu, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Duc Thao. Investigation of some factors that affect desalination using nanomembrane techniques. Journal of Science, Quy Nhon University, ISSN:1859-0357, pp. 29-36, Vol 12, No.1, 2018. 
63. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Duc Toan, Research of establishing of numerical model for estimating greenhouse gases emissions wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam. Journal of appled chemistry, ISSN 1859-4069,   No 3, pp.4-10, 2019.
64. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Duc Toan, Research of establishing of numerical model for estimating greenhouse gases emissions from Pulp and Paper industrial wastewater treatment system in Vietnam. Journal of Construction. ISSN 0866-0762, No 1, pp.158-161, 2019.
65. Dang Xuan Hien, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Duc Toan, Research of establishing of numerical model for estimating greenhouse gases emissions from some domestic wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam. Journal of Construction. ISSN 0866-0762, No 3, pp.137-140, 2019.
66. Dang Xuan HienTran Thi Phuong. Evalution of applying Fe(II)-doping laterite ore to remove arsenic in groundwater. Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-0762, pp.21-25, No.6-2019.
67. Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Thị Phương. Research on synthesis of Manganese-modified TiO2 nanoparticles on Bentonite base using sol-gel method for treatment of landfill leachate, Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-8762, 07/2019.
68. Dang Xuan Hien  et al. Research on leachate treatment using chemical precipitation and photocatalytic techniques on Mn-TiO2/Bentonite nanomaterials, 3rd Conference proceedings scientific reports - Scientific and technological research program for environment prorection and prevent natural disasters. Code: KC.08/16-20, Labor Publishing House - ISBN 9786049871894; 11/ 2019.
69. Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Van Nhan. Application of a mathematical model to evaluate the impact of temperature to plankton development processes in the pangasius (pangasianodon hypophthalmus) production pond in Viet Nam, Vietnam Journal of science and technology – 11111; 04/2020.
70. Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Van Nhan. Applying a mathematic model to evaluate the impact of temperature to plankton development process in the pangasius (pangasianodon hypophthalmus) production pond in Vietnam, Vietnam JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - 2525-2518, 04/2020.
71. Dang Xuan Hien, Đỗ Thị Hồng Dung; Nguyễn Văn Hanh Research on AO-MBBR technology for applying of  leachate treatment from concentrated domestic waste landfills, Journal of Construction, ISSN 0866-8762, 07/2020.
72. Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Van Nhan. Establish a Mathematical Model for Key Nutrients in Catfish Ponds, American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, Science Publishing Group - ISSN: 2578-7985 (Print); ISSN: 2578-7993 (Online), 10/2021.
73. Do Thi Hong Dung, Dang Xuan Hien. Research on modelling of the nitrogen removal process in underground flow constructed wetland, Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1859-1558, 02/2022.
74. Do Thi Hong Dung, Dang Xuan Hien. Research on modelling of some biological treatment processes of MBBR technology applying for landfill leachate treatment, Journal of Construction, ISSN 2734-9888; 03/2022.
75. Do Thi Hong Dung, Dang Xuan Hien. Modelling biological processes in constructed wetland  applying for  leachate treatment, Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1859-1558; 03/2022.
76.  Le Xuan Thinh, Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Van Nhan. Identifying the Key Parameters in Mathematical Model to Simulate the Main Nutrients Transformation Process in Vietnamese Catfish (pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Ponds. Journal of Science and Technology (JST) Technical Universities, Eng. & Tech. for Sustainable Dev., Vol 34.1 (03/2024).ISSN2734-9381;

PhD research topics:
1. Nguyen Thi Van Anh. Research and application of a model to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from some wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam.
2. Tran Minh Duc. Research on nano TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation technique applied to treat leachate containing organic substances that are difficult to biodegrade
3. Le Xuan Thinh. Research to calculate and simulate the metabolism of major nutrients and the correlation of main factors affecting the environment of pangasius ponds in Vietnam.
4. Do Thi Hong Dung. Research and simulation of leachate treatment process using integrated biological-ecological technology.
5. Dinh Van Vien. Treating wastewater and recovering nitrogen and phosphorus-based nutrients from fishery processing by using sequencing batch air-lifting reactor (SBAR).

Science and technology awards:
  1. Gold medal, science and technology award awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology for: "Ultra-clean water production equipment for medicine, pharmacy and high-tech industries BK-UWPS", decision no. 2039/QĐ-BKHCN dated September 18, 2009.
  2. Gold medal, science and technology award awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology for: "Technology and equipment of integrated physico-chemical - biological - ecological for treatment of leachate from landfills, BK-IPBIWE; Decision No. 2068/QĐ-BKHCN dated October 4, 2015.
Number of projects applied in practice:
1. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of wastewater treatment system for washing and grinding workshop, Duc Giang Garment Company, 2001.
2. Design and installation of wastewater treatment system, Kim Nam Mechanical Company, 2002.
3. Design and consulting of water treatment system, Viet Han Garment Company, 2002.
4. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of waste solution treatment system containing CuCl2, Nam Son Waste Treatment Complex, Soc Son, Hanoi; Hanoi Urban Environment Company, 2003.
5. Design and installation of water treatment system, Hanoi National Children's Hospital, 2003.
6. Design and installation of wastewater treatment system, Hanoi National Children's Hospital, 2003.
7. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of demineralized water treatment system, plating workshop, Lilama color-coated galvanized steel factory, 2004.
8. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of galvanizing workshop wastewater treatment system, Lilama color-coated galvanized steel factory, 2004.
9. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of wastewater treatment system for Yen My dyeing factory, Vietnam Textile and Garment Corporation, capacity 500 m3/day, Pho Noi Textile and Garment Industrial Park, 2004 .
10. Design, manufacture, installation and technology transfer of wastewater treatment system Washing workshop, Ha Nam Garment Factory, capacity 1600 m3/day, Ha Nam Garment Factory (Grace Sun Company), Phu Ly town, 2004.
11. Technology equipment system to produce ultrapure water for the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, laboratories, high-tech industries (electronic industry, surface treatment,...). Capacity 200 l/h, 2008.
12. Design and manufacture of desalination technology and seawater treatment equipment system for water supply, capacity 200 l/h, 2008.
13. Technological equipment system for recovering valuable metals in waste solutions and industrial wastewater, capacity 5 m3/h, 2009.
14. Technological equipment system for treating persistent organic pollutants in waste solutions and industrial wastewater, capacity 5 m3/h, 2014.
15. Technological equipment system for treating persistent organic pollutants in waste solutions and industrial wastewater, capacity 30 m3/h, 2014.
16. Technology and equipment system of integrated physicochemical - biological - ecological for treating leachate from landfills, capacity 30 -100 m3/h, 2015-2021.
17. Dozens of sets of technical designs for industrial wastewater treatment works (textile and dyeing wastewater, washing and grinding of the garment industry, paper wastewater, electroplating, sugar, etc.) have been installed and operated with different capacities, since 2001.
18. Some numerical simulation software has been built: 1D and 2D simulation software to calculate hydraulics, ecology -water quality of river and estuary ; simulation software for ecological -water quality of lake; software to calculate greenhouse gas emissions; software for simulation of biological processes in biological reactors  of wastewater treatment plants (anaerobic reactor; AO; AAO; MBR; MBBR; AO-MBR; AO-MBBR; biological pond; constructed wetland) applied to domestic wastewater, leachate, and pharmaceutical wastewater has been developed since 2001.

1. Vietnam Water and Environment Association.
2. Vietnam Urban and industrial park environment association.
3. Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association.
4. Vietnam Industrial Environmental Association.

Other information:
In need of research students, master and PhD student on the following topics or expertise:

1. Research on mathematical models to calculate GHG emissioned from some wastewater treatment systems (paper production wastewater, beer and wine production wastewater,...).
2. Technology of integrated physical-chemical-biological- ecological and biocombinator  for leachate, industrial wastewater treatment; Application of membrane engineering for desalination of salinated water and seawater; recovery of valuable substances in wastewater using membrane technique;
3. Modeling and simulation of biological processes  for leachate, industrial wastewater, nitrogen and phosphorus-rich wastewater treatment; Simulate and optimize processes in wastewater treatment technology;
4. Numerical simulation of processes ecological and water quality in rivers, lakes, and estuaries;


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