Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Chemical Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Time Diploma Training University
2011 Doctor of Philosophy Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2003 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2000 Engineer of Organic and Petrochemical Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2011- present Lecturer, Researcher Department      of         Chemical Engineering, Institute for Research and Development of Natural Compounds Applications (INAPRO), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2001-2011 Researcher Centre for Education and Development of Chromatography (EDC), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2000-2001 Researcher Center for Technology Material and Environment (POTECO), BK-holdings Company, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Course ID Course Name Program
CH2000 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH5501 Chemical Engineering Design Project III Chemical Engineering
CH3440, CH3441, CH3442 Process and Equipment Design in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH4659 Chemical Engineering and Process Equipment Design Project Chemical Engineering
CH4900 Bachelor Thesis Chemical Engineering
CH5906 Engineer Thesis in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH3400 Chemical Engineering 1: Fluid mechanics and solid mechanics Chemical Engineering
CH3412 Chemical Engineering II: Heat transfer Chemical Engineering
CH3420 Chemical Engineering III: Mass transfer Chemical Engineering
CH3403 Process and Equipment in Chemical Technology Chemistry
CH3402 Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operation Biological Engineering
CH3431 Heat and Mass Transfer Process and Equipment Biological Engineering
CH3900 Engineering Practicum Chemical Engineering
CH5806 Engineer Internship in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH4392 Specialized experiment in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH3490 Chemical Process Engineering Lab II Chemical Engineering
CH3480 Chemical Process Engineering Lab I Chemical Engineering
CH5506 Chemical Process Modelling and Control Chemical Engineering
CH3454 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH5508 Membrane Technology Chemical Engineering
CH5503 Plant Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH5510 Heat Exchanger Network Design Chemical Engineering
CH3454 General Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH3481 Experiments Design in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH4396 Reaction Engineering Chemical Engineering
NE5103 Nuclear Reactor Fuels and Materials Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Physics


  • Application of chromatography techniques in Chemical trace analysis and purification of natural compounds
  • Technology for extraction and purification of bio-active compounds from natural materials
  • Processing technology of  Natural products from natural origin applied in the fields of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food
  • Utilize industrial and agricultural waste to create valuable products
  • Wastewater treatment


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
University - level research projects: T2020-PC-207 Research and development of production process for concentrated dragon fruit juice and liquid food coloring at low temperature and atmospheric pressure Lead Researcher 2020-2021
Ministry-level research project: B2016-BKA-04 Research on the gold extraction process from gold sulfide ore using thiourea with high recovery efficiency Participate 2016-2018
University- level research projects: T2016- PC-164 Research on extracting Polysaccharides from waste part of Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms grown in Vietnam as functional food to support cancer patient Principle investigator 216-2017
University- level research projects: T2009 – 209 Studies on preparation of ester derivatives of quercetin Lead Researcher 2009
University- level research projects: T2007 – 86 Research on derivative process of rutin to form valuable compounds for pharmaceutical aim
Lead Researcher 2007
University- level research projects: T2005 – 92 Studies on extraction process of high quality rutinfrom Vietnam Hoe buds Lead Researcher 2005
State-level pilot production project: 119-017 Research on process manufacturing  aid grindings for clinke in cement industry Key member 2002-2004
Book and Book chapter
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Cao Đinh Thanh, Tran Kim Tuan, Nguyen Thi Dieu Van, Nuclear Reactor Fuels and Materials, Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2015.
Intellectual properties

All publications
  • Thi Thu Huyen Nguyen, Duc Chinh Pham, Thi Phuong Chu, Ngoc Ha Vu, Wolfgang M. Samhaber, Minh Tan Nguyen, “Impact of JEVA Evaporation on Storage Stability and Physiochemical Characteristics of Vietnam Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus)”, Chemical Engineering Transactions, VOL. 87, (2021).
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Ngo Van Thuoc, Vu Tri Ky, “Research on fractional crystallization of polysaccharide group from extract of secondary red Ganoderma mushrooms”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry and Applications, N0 1 (41), (2018).
  • Cao Xuan Thang, Nguyen Đuc Trung Kien, Vu Ngoc Phan, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, “Research and optimization of gold adsorption process from complex salt solution of Thioure - gold”, Vietnam Journal of chemistry, (Chemistry scientific conference), 55(2e), (2017).
  • Cao Xuan Thang, Pham Hung Vuong, Đao Xuan Viet, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, “Research and optimization of gold separation process from gold sulfide ore using Thiourea”, Vietnam Journal of chemistry, (Chemistry scientific conference), 55(2e), (2017).
  • Trung Kien Tran, Lan Huong Phung, Hoai Nga Le, Xuan Son Nghiem, Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Thiem Pham Van, “ A dynamic model for ultrasonic-assisted extraction of bio-active compounds from natural products”, Asean Journal chemical Engineering, Vol.12, No.2 (2012). 
  • Truong Giang  Nguyen, Tuan Minh Nguyen, Thu Huyen  Nguyen Thi, “Applying the physical model for determining the mode of pumping of the layers of chemical into the bottom of oil well”, Journal of Chemistry, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vol. 49, No.2ABC (2011).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Thiem Pham Van, Chau Phan Đinh, Tung Nguyen Huu, Thu Đang Thi, Trang Tran Thi, “Apply the preparative HPLC for rutin purification”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vol. 48, N0 6A (2010).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Kim Diep Nguyen Thi, Thiem Pham Van, Thu Vu Manh, “Research on the impurities of spirits and the Ozone treatment for purification”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vol. 48, N0 6A (2010).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Kien Tran Trung, Lan Huong Phung, Thiem Pham Van, “Research on extraction process for rutin assisted by ultrasonic, microwave and stir bar”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vol. 48, N0 6A (2010).
  • Chau Phan Đinh, Son Bui Van, Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, “Research on preparing some ester derivatives of quercetin”, Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 47 (4A) (2009).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Chau Phan Dinh, Thiem Pham Van, “Study on the composition of essential oil from flower bud of Sophora Japonica L. in Hoabinh and Hungyen provinces”, Journal of Science and Technology, Technological Universities, N0 72A (2009).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Bien Tran Van, Thiem Pham Van, Chau Phan Đinh,  “Research on the extraction process of rutin in buds of Sophora Japonica L. based on an experimental planning method”, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vol. 45, N01B (2007).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Minh Tu Nguyen  Thị, Chau Phan Đinh, Thiem Pham Van, “Research on effects of alkali method for rutin extraction from bud of Sophora Japonica L. in Vietnam”, The International Conference Regional symposium on Chemical Engineering (2005).
  • Thu Huyen Nguyen Thi, Thiem Pham Van, “Influence of surfactants and industrial waste products on the process of clinker grinding”, Journal of Applied Chemistry, No. 4 (2004).

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