Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Dao-Huy Toan

Position: Deputy Head

Belongs to the unit: Administrative office

Extension number: 0915898902

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree Education organization
2018 Doctor Vienna University of Technology, Austria
2009 Master of Science Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2006 Engineer of Pharmaceutical and Pesticide Chemistry Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2019-now Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2011-2019 PhD Student, Researcher Vienna University of Technology, Austria
2006-2011 Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Course ID Course name Program
CH4486 Pesticide Chemistry Chemical Engineering
CH5614 Pharmaceutical Chemical Process Design Project Chemical Engineering
CH4484E Advanced Organic Synthesis of Medicinal Compounds ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CH2014E Biochemistry ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CH4502E Project research ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CH4501E Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab II ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CHxxxx Seminar PhD program


  • Application of informatic technology in drugs design.
  • Synthesis of bioactive organic compounds.
  • Development of new pesticide, cosmetic and medicine formulars.


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Ministry of Science and Technology Synthesis of fluorocense applied in 3D imagine OLED display. Participate 2023-2025
Technology Transfer Production of organic deodorize powder without Al nor paraben. Principle investigator 2023-2025
Technology Transfer Production of natrual derived lip balm using medium chained virgin coconut oil. Principle investigator 2023-2024
HUST Research on extraction and isolation of bioactive natural compounds in Xưn xe tạp plant (Kadsura heteroclita (Roxb.) Craib.) Kadsura genus, Schisandraceae family. Participate 2022-2023
International cooperation project Synthesis of new zerumbone derivatives and their bioactivities against cancer Principle investigator 2021-2022
HUST Research on synthesis and semi-synthesis of new β-amino alcohols featuring bioactivity. Principle investigator 2021-2022

Book and Book chapter
  • D. H. Toan, "Part B: Reactions and Synthesis," in Advanced Organic Chemistry fifth ed.: Springer, Boston, MA, 2007.
Intellectual properties
  • M. D. Mihovilovic, M. SCHNÜRCH, B. Waldner, T. Dao-Huy,  and K. Hilber, "Novel thiazolamine derivates as differentiation accelerators," World Patent WO2012040754A2, 21/6/2012, 2012. Available:
All publications
  • Thuy, L. T.; Tram, L. H.; Anh, D. T. P.; My, N. T. T.; Thong, N. V.; Anh, N. T.; Toan, D. H.; Ha, T. T.; Thanh, B. V.; Mai, N. T. al. New Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans and Phenolics from Kadsura heteroclite with Anti-Inflammatory Activity. 2023, 20 (9), e202300904.
  • P. M. Quan, H. B. Q. Anh, N. T. N. Hang, D. H. Toan, D. V. Ha, and P. Q. Long, "Marine derivatives prevent E6 protein of HPV: An in silico study for drug development," Regional Studies in Marine Science, p. 102619, 2022/08/12/ 2022.
  • Pham, M. Q.; Le Thi, T. H.; Pham, Q. L.; Le, L. T.; Dao, H. T.; Thi Dang, T. L.; Thuy Nguyen Pham, D.; Pham Thi, H. H., In Silico Assessment and Molecular Docking Studies of Some Phyto-Triterpenoid for Potential Disruption of Mortalin-p53 Interaction. 2021, 9 (11), 1983.
  • Toan, D. H.; Hoang, D. V.; Hoang, V. D.; Quang, L. D.; Lam, T. D. Application of botanical pesticides in organic agriculture production: Potential and challenges. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 2021, 59 (6), 679.
  • T. Dao-Huy, S. Latkolik, J. Bräuer, A. Pfeil, H. Stuppner, M. Schnürch, V. M. Dirsch, M. D. Mihovilovic “Structural features defining NF-kB inhibition by lignan-inspired benzofurans and benzothiophenes”, Biomolecules 2020, 10 (8), 1131 .
  • C. Sambiagio, D. Schönbauer, R. Blieck, T. Dao‐Huy, G. Pototschnig, P. Schaaf, T. Wiesinger, M. F. Zia, J. Wencel‐Delord, T. Besset, B. U. W. Maes, M. Schnürch, “A comprehensive overview on directing groups applied in metal catalyzed C-H functionalization chemistry”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2018, 47, 6603-6743.
  • T. Dao-Huy, B. J. Waldner, L. Wimmer, M. Schnuerch, M. D. Mihovilovic, “Synthesis of endo- and exo-N-Protected 5-Arylated 2-Aminothiazoles through Direct Arylation: An Efficient Route to Cell Differentiation Accelerators”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 21, 4765-4771.
  • T. Dao-Huy, M. Haider, F. Glatz, M. Schnuerch, M. D. Mihovilovic, “Direct Arylation of Benzo[b]furan and Other Benzo-Fused Heterocycles”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 36, 8119-8125.
  • T. T. Le, T. Dao-Huy, X. T. Hoang, K. V. Tran, “Synthesis of chalcone moiety-containing quinoline derivatives”, Vie. J. Chem. 2011, 49, 401-404.

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