[BF2] Food Engineering









- Admission for talented individuals according to the regulations of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST).

- Admission based on the result of the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) exam of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST): K00

- Admission criteria based on high school graduation exam code: A00, B00, D07

- Module1: Food Technology

- Module 2: Food processing and equipment

- Module 2: Quality Management





1. General Introduction:

Food science is one of the essential and most closely related scientific fields to ensure food safety and food security, creating innovative products in the food world, and enhancing the value of agricultural products. It is a synthetic research field encompassing basic science, microbiology, biochemistry, nutrition science, food science, and engineering technology to develop and manage food sources, meet the increasing demands of the market, and continue to evolve with the growing requirements of consumers.

Food Technology is an integral part of food science, involving research and development of food products manufacturing, preservation, and quality control.

Food Engineering, based on the foundation of Food Technology along with natural science and engineering knowledge, implements production and management of product chains.

food tech
Food Science - a vital and closely related scientific field to everyday life.

Students enrolled in the Food Engineering program are trained deeply in three directions: Food Technology; Food processing and equipment or Quality Management.

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Students are taught and practice on a modern and synchronized equipment system.

2. Information about the education program:

  • Students are equipped with solid foundational knowledge in the field of Food Engineering, such as nutrition science, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, food safety; control and evaluation of quality from raw materials, production process analysis and control, origin tracing; research, design, installation, operation of production lines; organization, management (technology, engineering, product quality), and production management, business in the food industry as well as adaptability in various work environments.

  • Students study and exchange with leading experts both domestically and internationally in various fields within the food technology industry.

  • Students undergo practical internships and experiences in specialized laboratories, practice centers, and food production enterprises.


Sinh viên thực hành Công nghệ thực phẩm
Students practice Food Technology at the Training and Product Development Center for Food.


3. Job opportunities:

  • Engineers, technical managers, product research and development personnel in domestic manufacturing enterprises and multinational corporations in various fields such as food processing, beer, wine, bakery, confectionery, sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, dairy, meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables, functional foods, etc.

  • Working in units such as research and training institutions (universities, research institutes in Vietnam and abroad in the fields of food science, nutrition, product innovation, functional foods, process equipment, consumer science) and in corporations, companies in the food industry: food processing, food equipment, food packaging.

  • Working in state management agencies: Food Safety Department, Ministries, etc. Over 90% of graduates are employed within 6 months after graduation.


4. Scholarship opportunities, study support:

  • In addition to scholarships from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, students with good academic achievements can receive scholarships from their professors and employers.

  • Students have the opportunity to participate in scientific research and receive salaries from projects and initiatives led by their professors starting from the third year.

  • There is a chance to achieve a 100% postgraduate scholarship for students enrolled in the Bachelor-Master integrated program.

  • Students with excellent academic performance have the opportunity to receive short-term internship scholarships for 1-6 months in the Netherlands, Japan, Italy, South Korea, etc.

  • Graduates with good or excellent grades are recommended for master's studies in countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, etc

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Ceremony for awarding academic encouragement scholarships to students with high academic achievements and good character development.

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