Training program: "Sustainable development in the Food - Beverage Manufacturing Industry and practices in Morinaga Nutritional Foods Vietnam"

Training program: "Sustainable development in the Food - Beverage Manufacturing Industry and practices in Morinaga Nutritional Foods Vietnam"

 13:23 27/04/2024

Morinaga Nutrition Foods Vietnam (MNFV), in collaboration with the School of Chemistry and Life Sciences (SCLS) Hanoi University of Science and Technology, has implemented a training program with the theme "Sustainable development in the Food - Beverage Manufacturing Industry and practices in Morinaga Nutritional Foods Vietnam". The training program was launched as part of action plan to promote sustainability, convey sustainability message to students - the future leaders of Vietnam.
The 11th Korea-Vietnam Green Chemistry Conference

The 11th Korea-Vietnam Green Chemistry Conference

 17:30 24/02/2024

From February 20th to 22nd, 2024, the Chemical Society of Vietnam (CSV), the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC), and the School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (SCLS-HUST), collaborated to organize the 11th Korea-Vietnam Green Chemistry Conference (GCC), with the participation of 70 delegates from Vietnam and Korea, including scientists, researchers and professionals working in the field of chemicals.
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