Group of Food and Biological Processes and Equipments

Monday - 15/04/2024 16:00

1. History of formation

Office: Room 210 - building C4
Phone: (024) 3868 2458
Head of group: PhD. Nguyen Ngoc Hoang

The specialized group of Process and Equipment for Biotechnology & Food Technology, formerly known as the Department of Food Machinery and Equipment, was established in 1966, under the Faculty of Food Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Through 60 years of striving and growing up, the Department has trained many generations of mature majors and currently hold important responsibilities in the national economy.
Currently, students in this major are not only equipped with in-depth knowledge of calculations and design of hydro-mechanical processes and equipment, heat transfer, mass transfer, and refrigeration systems but are also equipped with Knowledge is essential to be able to integrate modern programmable automatic control (PLC) systems and computerized SCADA data processing monitoring control systems. When graduating, young engineers can easily find jobs with attractive income.
In addition to teaching and training, the professional group also participates in scientific research and technology transfer to production facilities in the fields of food processing, biology, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. , designs and manufactures a variety of machines and equipment, from simple and effective machines for rural areas to machines and equipment for industrial-scale lines.
The name of the professional group has changed many times as follows:
Department of Food Machinery (before 2004)
Department of Machinery and Automation of Biotechnology and Food Technology (2004 – 2010)
Department of Biotechnology Equipment Process - Food Technology (2011 - 2023)

2. The training programs participated and in charged by group

- Bachelor's degree major in Biotechnology & Food Technology Equipment Process
- Specialized in Biotechnology & Food Technology Equipment Process Engineer
- Biological Engineering Program
- Advanced program in Food Technology
- Graduate program in Food Industry
- Doctoral training program in Food Technology

3. Main research directions

• Research on supercritical and subcritical extraction techniques in extracting oil products, essential oils, and biologically active natural compounds.
• Research methods to purify medicinal ingredients and aromatic substances from herbal essential oils.
• Research on microwave applications for drying processes of ingredients in the food industry.
• Research and apply modern technical solutions in terms of equipment and technology in the drying process of heat-resistant agricultural products, foods, biological products, pharmaceuticals, and aquatic products to improve value and quality of the finished product.
• Research the principles of membrane flow applied in the process of hydrolysis of solutions with different viscosities.
• Research and apply mechanization and automation of agricultural, food, pharmaceutical, and seafood processing processes.
• Research and integration of supervisory control and data processing (SCADA) systems applied to production processes.
• Research heat and substance transfer processes and equipment.
• Research and design of animal feed processing lines. Author
• Research and design an alcohol distillation line with an automatic control system.
• Research and design separate separation equipment (sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation).
• Research and design automatic dosing and packaging machines.
• Research and design of transportation and dosing equipment.

4. Typical scientific research topics in the last 5 years

1. Techniques for preparing and preserving cinnamon bark. Digital progress: 220/QD-TCLN-KH&HTQT, 2023
2. Research and application of subsupercritical extraction technology to recover gac oil and carotenoids from dried gac residue. Project at the Ministry of Education and Training level, 2022-2023.
3. Method to extract gac oil directly from fresh gac membrane, Useful solution No. 2644, 2021
4. Research on modeling the tomato concentration process on a one-pot vacuum concentrator, 2020
5. Research on avocado drying technology using microwave energy. T2017-PC-002, 2017 – 2018
6. Research and perfect technological processes; Design and manufacture microwave drying equipment to preserve some types of edible and medicinal mushrooms in Hung Yen province (Provincial level project), 2017 - 2018
7. Research to improve gac oil recovery efficiency and minimize carotenoid loss in gac oil by direct oil extraction from fresh gac, 2016-2018
8. Drying and dehydration process of poorly heat-resistant solutions under low temperature and normal pressure conditions and equipment system to implement this process, Utility Solution Patent No. VN 2-0001336, 2015

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