Group of Quality management

Tuesday - 16/04/2024 10:41
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The Group of Quality Management was formed on the basis of subjects that have been developed since the early years of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. The first curriculum was mostly developed and taught by the Teachers who graduated from 1st and 2nd cohorts of the university
1956-1966:        Initially only a specialized groups of Food Engineering
1967-1977:        Establishment of Department of Tropical plants Technology at the Viet Tri University of Light Industries
1977-2003:        Viet Tri University of Light Industries merged with Hanoi University of Technology and the Department of Tropical Plants Technology are maintained with specialized processing technologies such as sugar, tea, coffee - tobacco, vegetable oils, oils. Well-known teachers have a name in the field of the Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Ngo, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Nang Vinh, Assoc. Prof. Le Bach Tuyet...
2003:                Establishment Department of Quality Management and Tropical Food Technology belonging to School of Biotechnology & Food Technology with an expansion-oriented teaching and scientific research into the quality management in the food industry under the lead of  Prof. Ha Duyen Tu.
2010:                Department of Quality Management and Tropical Food Technology was renamed into Department of Quality Management
12/2023:            Group of Quality Management

1. General Introduction
Group of Quality Management was established in Desember 2023 on the basis of previously Quality Management Department with the objectives: to build and expand Quality Management in two areas: Food Engineering and Bioengineering, with three major professional segments: Scientific Quality, Quality Analysis and Quality Systems
Faculty and staff of the Group of Quality Management currently consists of 8 members including 3 Associate Professor, 2 Ph.D. and 3 Masters. They were trained in Vietnam and in the countries with developed science and technology, such as Japan, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, France and with high professional level. Department of Quality Management is an address for training, scientific research and technology transfer of reliability in Vietnam in the field of quality management, food technology.

2. Staff
1. Dr. Vu Hong Son – Head of Group
2. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Minh Tu Thao
3. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Thao
4. Assoc. Prof. Cung Thi To Quynh
5. Dr. Hoang Quoc Tuan
6. MSc. Le Tuan Phuc
7. MSc. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh
8. MSc. Nguyen Tien Huy

3. Teaching Cources
I.  Bachelor of Engineering Training program (4 năm)
            Food Analysis and Control Quality
            Quality Assurance and Management System
            Food Sensorial Evaluation
            Food Physico-chemical analysis
            Quality Management Documentation system
            Food Additives
            Food Marketing
            Food Regulations and Standards
            Applied Statistics
            Quality Management in Food Technology
            Quality Management in Biotechnology
II.  Engineering Training Program (5 years)
            Applied Informatics in Quality Management
            Flavouring Technology
            Rapid Analysis of Food Quality
            Food Authenticity 
            Total Quality Management of Food Supply Chain
            Organic Foods
            Hygienic Design in Food Industry 
            Internship and Graduation Thesis
IIIMaster of Science Training program
            Quality Management in Biotechnology
            Functional Foods
            Food Additives
            Processes Optimization in food technology and biotechnology
            Product Development
            Food Sensorial Characteristics
            Data processing and analysis
            Design and Management of Quality Control and Quality Assurance
            Food Traceability System
IV.  PhD training program
            Food Safety in processing and storage
            Food Authenticity and Traceability

4. Research areas
Every year, the Group participated with the Food Safety Administration, National Institute of Food Control, to develop projects of related topics to Quality Management: food safety, research and development methods for fast analysis of contaminant residues in food; at the same time, in coordination with the General Directorate for Standards and Quality, the National Codex Committee building national standards, recommended project topics at all levels (Bilateral, Ministrial, Provincial projects).
The main research directions of the Group are:
Quality Management
  1. Survey on the pesticide contamination situation in fruits and vegetables
  2. Food safety hazard and risk analysis; hazard analysis throughout the food production chain. 
  3. Development and management of QC/QA procedures in Food Industry and HoReCa services
  4. Development of instrumental analysis method in food quality analysis
  5. Evaluation of the implementation of ISO 9000, HACCP, ISO 22000… in food processing factories: The practical situation of ISO 22000 / HACCP / ISO 9001 at food businesses
  6. Development of Analytical method for food authenticity and traceability
  7. Development of traceability system for agro-food and fishery products according to standards
  8. Development of rapid analysis method for food quality control
  9. Application of Food value chain analysis in investigation of food supply chain

Research and Development of the exploitation and utilization of natural products
  1. Research on the technology to extract antioxidant from plants.
  2. Research on technology to extract chlorophylls from plants and its application in food products
  3. Research on the application of by-products of fruits in food products
  4. Research on the technology to extract bioactive compounds from rice brand oil
  5. Research on the bioactivity and bioavailability of natural products
  6. Research on the extraction and application of natural colouring compounds
  7. Research on the development of new colouring compounds from plants
  8. Research on the quality change of some tropical fruits during storage
  9. Research on the extraction of catechin, anthocyanin from tea leaves
  10. Research and development of the application of bioactive compounds in food products

Sensorial Science
  1. Research on the improvement of tea flavours
  2. Research on the precursor group for tea flavours
  3. Analysis of habits and behaviours of customers towards fuctional food, organic food and food safety
  4. Study on the relationship of physico chemical properties and sensorial properties of food product
  5. Development of lexicon for sensorial evaluation of food product
  6. Study on the cultural differences of customers in food preference
  7. Research on the rapid sensorial analysis in food quality and food product development
  8. Research on the application of eye-tracking method in understanding customer behaviour  
  9. Study on the sensorial defect of food products in food quality control: detecting defects from technological procedures and other factors: the physico-chemical characteristics and control measures of the defects.

5. Research projects

National projects on Scientific and Technology
2012: Production technology of germinated brown rice and its application inthe manufacturing of beverages (GABA tea), Project KC.07 of Vietnamese Government, Ministry of Science and Technology
2012: Exploration of antimicrobial substances extracted from seafoodmanufacturer byproducts using biological methods and its applicationin raw meat preservation, Project KC.07 of Vietnamese Government, Ministry of Science and Technology

National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) project
2012-2013: Elucidation of the functional property of aminoreductone and optimization of its production in the Maillard reaction. National Foundation for Science and Technology Development NAFOSTED,
Bilateral collaborative projects
2014-2016: Feasibility study for production of concentrate juice and aroma compounds from Vietnamese lychee by membrane processes. (Collaborative project between Vietnam and Austria), Ministry of Science and Technology

Ministrial Research projects
2015-2016. Change of flavor precursor and volatile compounds during Orthodox manufacturing. B2015.01.110, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam
2014-2015: Research on the extraction of natural colorants from plants and their uses in rice products, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam
2013-2014: Study on natural flavouring compounds rich in flavonoid from citrus and application in beverage production, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam
2013-2014: Research on technology of slow degradation of starch to produce some fresh mochi from Vietnamese rice and its applications, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam
2012-2014: Creation of characteristic aroma model of Vietnamese herbs and its application in the instant foods, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam
2009-2010: Using prebiotic in combination with probiotic in functional food production, MOET
2009-2010: Setting up the food aroma analysis systems, MOET

International collaborative projects
2016-2018: Universities as key partners for the new challenges regarding food safety & quality in ASEAN, ASIFOOD, Erasmus+ program (EU)
2012-2014: Gains from losses and wastes of tuber - GRATITUDE (, EU-FP7

University research projects
2015: Study on the Traceability System for green tea supply chain
2014: Study on polyphenolic compounds, antioxidant and anti-gout activities of celery (Apium graveolens L.) in Vietnam”.
2009: Study on The application of green tea polyphenol to the production of functional food
2012: Assessment of aflatoxin contamination in maize production and supply chain in Phu Tho province, Project of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
2011: Determination of some heavy metals in meat products and proposing measures to ensure food safety, Project of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
2012: Fatty acid composition of selected Vietnamese Biscuites including Trans-Isomers. HUST.
2015. Study on reducing sugar color by using of H2O2. HUST

Department of Science and Technology research projects
2013-2014: Research on production technology of beverages from purple sugarcane of Hoa Binh province,
2011-2012: Isolation and purification of Saponin bioactive compounds from the residue of Camellia drupifera Lour. and its application on plant preservation, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Hanoi, Vietnam
2010-2011: Study on beverage processing technology containing in polyphenol and probiotics, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Hanoi, Vietnam

6. Contact
Group of Quality Management (Room 207-C4)
School of Chemistry and Life Science
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Dai Co Viet Rd., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: 04 3868 0120
Fax: 04 3868 2470


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