Personnel information

Full name: Dinh Thi Thu Hien

Position: Technician

Belongs to the unit: Technical Center of Training

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree Institution
2011 Master of Science Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Year Position Organization
2007-now Technician, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Code Course Programme
CH3230 Experiment in Organic Chemistry Chemical Engineering
CH3231 Organic Chemistry Lab I Bachelor of Chemitry
CH3232 Organic Chemistry Lab II Bachelor of Chemitry
CH3231E Organic Chemistry Lab 1 ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CH3232E Organic Chemistry Lab 2 ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical chemical engineering
CH3223 Thí nghiệm Hoá Hữu cơ Textile
CH3225 Thí nghiệm Hoá Hữu cơ Environmental Technology


  • Chemistry of natural products; Synthesis of bioactive organic compounds.
  • Experiential learning; Laboratory training
  • STEM Education
  • Agricultural Waste Management for Climate Change Mitigation; agricultural waste recycling research
  • Biofuels from Agricultural Wastes and Byproducts


2018: Visited University of York to carry out experiments, worked at  "Centre for Novel Agricultural Products (CNAP), Department of Biology, University of York, United Kingdom". The project is entitled “Developing rice resources for resilience to climate change and mitigation of carbon emissions” and is led in the UK - the research collaboration between the University of York and the Food Crops Research Institute in Vietnam


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