Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Nguyen Van Hung

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Food Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Academic Degree Academic institution
2011 Doctor Astrakhan State Technical University, Russian Federation
2008 Engineer of Biotechnology and Food technology Astrakhan State Technical University, Russian Federation


Year Position Organization
2016-nay Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2011-2016 Deputy Director of VolgaStroi Astrakhan city, Russian Federation
2008-2011 PhD Student Atrakhan State Technical University, Russian Federation


Code Course Training program
BF5513 Gluxit rich material products technology Food Engineering
BF5517 Techniques of microclimate adjustment
Food Engineering
BF4514 Refrigeration technology for food processing Food Engineering
BF4559E Microorganisms in food and Preservation food technology ELITECH program of Food Engineering
BF4518 Experiments in food technology Food Engineering
BF3513 General Food technology
Food Engineering


  • Research and develop beer production technology based on Vietnamese ingredients using activated water;
  • Research and develop technology for producing Kvas fermented beverages using Vietnamese ingredients and activated water;
  • Research changes in longan fruit after harvest and develop drinks from longan fruit.
  • Research and develop technology for preserving and processing vegetables and fruits.


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
International cooperation project Research and develop healthy fresh cheese products suitable for the Czech Republic and Vietnam markets Participate 2022-2025
Government Research and develop the organic cashew export industry towards high-tech circular agriculture Participate 2021-2024
Ministry of Education and Training Research on production of slowly digestible starch (SDS) from sweet potatoes and applications Particiapte 2018-2024
Vinh Phuc Department of Science and Technology Research and develop the processing technology for producing wine and juice from red-flesh dragon fruit in Lap Thach district, Vinh Phuc province Participate 2018-2019
HUST Research on astringent removal in fruit juice production technology from cashew fruit juice (Anacardium occidentale L.) Participate 2022-2024
HUST Application of combination of lactic fermentation and alcoholic fermentation in the technology of producing fermented beverages from some tropical fruits Principle investigator 2022-2024
HUST Research on some changes in longan fruit after harvest and develop juice from longan fruit Principle investigator 2018-2019
HUST Research on using activated water to accelerate the germination process of some seeds using in the production of Kvas drinks Principle investigator 2016-2017

All publications
  • Nguyen Van Hung, R.G. Razrumovskaia. Using Vietnamese ingredients in beer production. Vestnik ASTU. Ser. Popular science. No. 1(48). 2009. p38-41.
  • 2 Nguyen Van Hung, R.G. Razrumovskaia. Use corn seeds in beer production. Vestnik ASTU. Ser. Popular science. No. 1(49). 2010. p55-58.
  • 3. Nguyen Van Hung, R.G. Razrumovskaia. Accelerate the germination process of corn seeds. Vestnik ASTU. Ser. Popular science. No. 1(51). 2011. p33-38.
  • 4.. R.G. Razrumovskaia, Kasimiđinov A.I, Cao Thi Hue, Nguyen Van Hung, Zbrodova O.V. Application of activated water in biotechnology of fish and plant products. Vestnik ASTU. Ser. Popular science. No. 1(51). 2011. P28-33.
  • 5. Nguyen Van Hung, R.G. Razrumovskaia. Noval prospects for using Astrakhan rice in beer production. Vestnik ASTU. Ser. Food biotechnology. No. 3. 2011. p51-54
  •  6. Nguyen Van Hung, R.G. Razrumovskaia. Application of activated water in corn seeds germination technology. Beer and drinks. No. 1. 2011. p18-23.
  • 7. Nguyen Van Hung, Tran Hong Anh, Vu Thi Tho. Effects of electrochemical activated water during germination on moisture and diastase activities of germinated wheat and paddy. Journal of Science & Technology 126. Năm 2018, P26-31.
  • 8. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vu Thi Nga, Nguyen Van Hung. Effects of exogenous ethylene gas during ripening on the quality of Thach That persimmons. Journal of Science and Technology of Technical Schools Volume 137, 2019, P 94-99.
  • 9. Vu Thu Trang, Nguyen Thi Thao Nguyen, Nguyen Van Hung, Nguyen Tien Cuong, Hoang Quoc Tuan, Nguyen Thi Thao, Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Chu Ky Son, Nguyen Van Thai, Nguyen The Hung. Research on the effects of some technological factors on the stability of betacyanin in red-fleshed dragon fruit juice (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc. . Journal of Science and Technology of Technical Schools Volume 140, 2020, P 94-99.
  • 10. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Van Hung. Effect of chitosan concentration on the quality and storage time of Ha Giang oranges. Industry and Trade Magazine, volume 41, 2020, p16-19.
  • 11. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Dinh Le Khanh, Nguyen Van Hung. Effects of blanching regimes on enzyme activity that causes discoloration in Hung Yen longan fruit. Journal of agriculture and rural development, volume 14, 2020, p-137-142.
  • 12. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Tran Thi Mai, Nguyen Van Hung. Investigate the changes in some quality indicators of Hung Yen longan fruit in the pre-harvest stage. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 406, 2021, p-86-93.
  • 13. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Thi Trang, Nguyen Thi Minh Anh, Nguyen Thi Huong, Nguyen Van Hung, Vu Thu Trang. Removal of Tannins from Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale l.) Apple Juice in Binh Phuoc (Viet Nam) by Using Enzymatic Method. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development . Vol.11 No.8 (2023) ISSN: 2764 – 4170.
  • 14. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Tong Xuan Hoa, Nguyen Van Hung. Research on the changes in some physicochemical and biochemical indicators of garlic during the fermentation process of black garlic. Vietnam Science and Technology Magazine. Vol.65, 68-72 (2023)
  • 15. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vu Thu Trang, Nguyen Van Hung. Effects of pectinase enzyme treatment on the recovery efficiency of red-flesh dragon fruit juice in Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc. Vietnam Science and Technology Magazine. Vol.65, 25-29 (2023).
  • 16. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Van Hung. Effects of storage temperature on the quality of Hung Yen longan fruit. Vietnam Science and Technology Magazine. Vol.6, 69-72 (2022).
  • 17. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Nguyen Van Hung. Effect of blanching regimes on quality of pickled garlic products. Journal of agriculture and rural development. Vol. 13, 87-94 (2022) ISSN: 1859 – 4581.

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