Personnel information

Full name: Vu Ngoc Thuy (Ph.D)

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Pollution control; Environmental Science; Environmental Technology

Scientific background


Year Degree Academic Institution
2021 Doctor Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2008 Master of Science University of the Philippines, Philippines
2006 Engineer of Environmental Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2021-now Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2018-2021 PhD Student Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2009-2018 Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Course name Program
Environmental Chemistry Environmental  Engineering
Environmental Biology
Environmental  Engineering


• Application of biotechnology in wastewater treatment

• Wastewater treatment with bioadsorbents


Type of project Name of project Role Duration
Ministry Project Research on using agricultural by-products/waste as materials to treat heavy metals in water - Code: B2016-BKA-29 Participant 2016-2018
National Project Completing the technology and integrated system of physical chemistry - biology - ecology to treat leachate to meet discharge regulations - Code: KC08.DA02/16-20 Scientific Secretaty 2018-2021
University Project Research on treating oil-contaminated water with hydrothermal charcoal made from waste aloe vera peel during aloe vera processing - Code: T2022-PC-086 Main investigator 2022-2024
University Project Research the ammonium removal and recovery from wastewater using bio-adsorbent from agriculture wastes - Code: T2017-PC-012 Main investigator 2017-2018
University Project Research on reducing energy consumption for domestic wastewater treatment systems using SBR technology - Code: T2024-TĐ -001 Participant 2023-2025
International cooperation project

International cooperation project
GREEN waste management new edUcation System for recycling and environmental protection in asia (GREENUS) - Code: 618173-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Decentralised water resource circulation as a sustainable solution for plantation - Mã số: F9002550402139


  • Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do (2021). “Removal of ammonium from aqueous solution by using dried logan peel as a low-cost adsorbent”. Chapter 29 in Elsevier Book “The Future of Effluent Treatment Plants: Biological treatment systems. ISBN 978-0-12-822956-9
  • Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do (2021). “Prediction of Ammonium Removal by Biochar Produced From Agricultural Wastes Using Artificial Neural Networks: Prospects and Bottlenecks”. Chapter 12 in Elsevier Book “Soft Computing Techniques in Solid Waste and Wastewater Engineering”. ISBN: 978-0-12-824463-0
  • Thanh- Son Bui, Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do (2020), “Development of SBR-MBR technology for treating domestic wastewater - A case study in Vietnam”. Chapter 4 In: Advances in Environmental Research Editor: Justin A. Daniels ISBN: 978-1-53618-774-8 © 2020 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 195-218.
  • Nguyễn Thị Yến Liên, Thân Th Hải Yến, Vũ Ngọc Thủy, Nguyễn Th Lan Phương    (2020). “Ứng dụng quá trình truyền khối trong Công nghệ môi trường”. ISBN : 978-604-76-2151-4

  • NgocThuy Vu, ThiHa Ngo, ThuTrang Nguyen, KhacUan Do, “Performances of cofee husk biochar addition in a labscale SBR system for treating low carbon/nitrogen ratio wastewater”. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
  • Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do (2021). “Insights into adsorption of ammonium by biochar derived from low temperature pyrolysis of coffee husk”. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
  • Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do (2020). “A study on combination of biochar and activated sludge for removing ammonium from low C/N ratio wastewater”. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 58 (5A) (2020) 64-74.
  • Nguyen Thuy Chung, To Thi Duc Hanh, Nguyen Xuan Binh, Dinh Quang Hung, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Bui Ngoc Huong, Vu Thuy Dung, Nguyen Kim Anh (2020). “Study on the influence of factors on the ability to remove COD in industrial wastewater contaminated by Halophilic sp”. Journal of Science and Technology- Hanoi University of Industry, No. 56, pp. 121-125.
  • Nguyen Thuy Chung, To Thi Duc Hanh, Nguyen Xuan Binh, Dinh Quang Hung, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Bui Ngoc Huong, Vu Thuy Dung, Nguyen Kim Anh (2020). “ Study on different factors affect COD removal capacity of Halanaerobium Lacruisei in saline wastewater” .Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 58 ( No 5A), pp. 180-189.
  • Vu Ngoc Thuy, Pham Khanh Linh (2018), “Study on Treatment of high ammonium concentration in Piggery wastewater using rice husk biochar”. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Management (IJLREM). ISSN: 2456-0766. Volume 2 Issue 5 ǁ October. 2018 / PP 27-31
  •  Ngo Van Chien, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Miyashita Hideaki, Doan Thi Thai Yen (2017) “Factors that affect the removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorous from piggery wastewater using microalgea bacteria consortium”. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN 25252518, Vol 55 (4C): (10/2017).
  • Vu Truong Minh, Tran Phuoc Long, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Ngoc Lan (2014), “STRUVITE PRECIPITATION FOR AMMONIA NITROGEN REMOVAL IN RUBBER LATEX PROCESSING WASTEWATER”. Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN 0866 708X, Vol 52 (3A): (9/2014).
  • Vu Ngoc Thuy, Dinh Tat Thang, Nguyen Ngoc Lan (2014), “RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF RUBBER LATEX PROCESSING WASTEWATER BY USING SEQUENTIAL ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC PROCESSES”. Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN 0866 708X, Vol 52 (3A): (9/2014).
  • Vu Ngoc Thuy, Yasunori Tanji (2013), “Immobilization of bacterial isolates by poly-vinyl alcohol matrix for capacity enhancement of azo-dye wastewater treatment processes”. Journal of Science and Technology (2013). ISSN 0866 708X, Vol 51(3B) 48-53.

  • Ngoc-Thuy Vu, Khac-Uan Do, Shuhei Tanaka, Shigeo Fujii (2020). “Assessment of ammonium removal in wastewater using bioadsorbents derived from agricultural wastes-Case study in Vietnam”. Kyoto University International ONLINE Symposium 2020 on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, November 30-December 1-2020.
  • Dang Xuan Hien, Tran Minh Duc, Tran Thi Phuong, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Nguyen Thị Thu Thuy, Tran Le Minh, Vu Kiem Thuy, Pham Thu Phuong, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Le Thi Ngoc Anh. “Research on treatment of leachate by chemical precipitation and photocatalysis techniques using Mn-TiO2/Bentonite nanomaterials” Proceedings of the scientific conference under the National Project Program KC. 08/16-20, November, 2020.
  • Dang Xuan Hien, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Thi Tuyen, Doan Cong Truong, Phi Quyet Tien, Nghiem Ngoc Minh, Le Thi Nhi Cong, Quach Ngoc Tung, Nguyen Ngoc Lan, Huynh Trung Hai, Le Thi Huong. “Research the treatment of nutrient and Nitrogen in leachate using an advance integrated biotechnology including AAOOA-MBBR with pilot scale of 30 m3/ day”. Proceedings of the scientific conference under the National Project Program KC.08.05/11_15 , November 11, 2015.
  • Dang Xuan Hien, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Hoang Thi Hien, Du Thi Huyen Thanh, Van Huu Tap, Nguyen Thị Ngoc Bich, Bui Đuc Minh, Huynh Tu Kien, Nguyen Ngoc Lan, Trung Hai, Le Thi Huong. “Research an advance physicochemical treatment of leachate from open and concentrated landfills in Vietnam”, Proceedings of the Scientific conference  under the National Project Program KC.08.05 , May 12, 2013.
  • Dang Xuan Hien, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Phi Quyet Tien, Nghiem Ngoc Minh, Do Thi To Uyen, Tran Minh Chi, Bui Trong Boi, Do Thi Hong Dung, Vu Quang, Nguyen Ngoc Lan, Huynh Trung Hai, Le Thi Huong. “Research an advance integrated biotechnology for treatment of leachate from concentrated landfills in Vietnam”. Proceedings of the scientific conference under the National Project Program KC.08.05/11_15, May 12, 2013.
  • Vu Ngoc Thuy, Ernesto O. Dela Cruz, Yasunori Tanji (2007). “Decolorization and Characterization of azo-dye degrading microorganism from a sequencing batch reactor set up”. In Proceedings of the Conference: “Strengthening the Industry- Government- Academe Linkage in Environmental Engineering Education and Research: Prospects for the Future”, August 1-2, 2007.  Richmonde Hotel, Manila, Philippines.
  • Vu Ngoc Thuy, Vu Minh Trang, Yasunori Tanji,(2009). “Decolorization of Azo dye in activated sludge by Bacillus sp. ” Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technologies, August 7-8, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam.


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