Personnel information

Full name: MSc. Pham Thu Phuong

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental Technology

Scientific background


Year Degree Institution
2008 Master of Science Ghent University , Belgium
2003 Environmental Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Time Position Organization
2009-present Lecturers Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2003 -2006 Researcher Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Course name Education program
Heat Transfer in Environmental Technology Enviromental engineer
Environmental Biochemistry Enviromental engineer
Wastewater treatment by natural processes Enviromental engineer
Special Topics in Environmental Engineering Enviromental engineer
Chemical management in industry Enviromental engineer
  • Wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands .
  • Modeling the wastewater treatment processes .
Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Topic Basis of hierarchy A study to propose a standard experimental model to determine the contaminant removal rate constants in subsurface flow constructed wetlands Principle investigator 2020 -2021
State level topic Completing the technology and integrated system of physical chemistry - biology - ecology to treat leachate to meet waste discharge regulations. Principle 2018 -2022
School level topic Research and calculation of incinerator exhaust gas treatment equipment using the absorption method for the subject "Waste treatment system experiment". Principle investigator April 2010 – December 2010

All publications
  • Thu Phuong Pham, Dai Quyet Truong, Duc Tung Le, Viet Quang Nguyen, "Proposal of a standard experimental model to determine the contaminant removal rate constants in subsurface flow constructed wetlands," VIETNAM JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, vol. 14, pp. 36-44, 2023 .
  • Đặng Xuân Hiển, Trần Minh Đức, Trần Thị Phương, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bích, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy, Trần Lệ Minh, Vũ Kiêm Thủy, Phạm Thu Phương, Vũ Ngọc Thủy, Lê Thị Ngọc Anh. Nghiên cứu xử lý nước rỉ rác bằng kỹ thuật kết tủa hóa học và quang xúc tác trên vật liệu Nano Mn-TiO2/Bentonite. Tuyển tập báo cáo khoa học lần thứ 3- Chương trình nghiên cứu khoa học và công nghệ phục vụ bảo vệ môi trường và phòng tránh thiên tai, 2019.
  • Phạm Thu Phương, Phan Thị Uyên Nhung, Hoàng Thị Thu Hương, Peter Goethals. Đánh giá ảnh hưởng của ốc bươu vàng Pomacea bridgesii (REEVE, 1856) đến hiệu quả xử lí nước thải dựa trên hệ thống đất ngập nước thực nghiệm và mô hình SUBWET cải biên. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ 51(3B): 160-166, 2013.
  • Hoang Thi Thu Huong, Ly Bich Thuy, Pham Thu Phuong, Doan Thi Thai Yen. Eutrophication in the lakes of Hanoi discovered by water quality index and chlorophyll- an indicator. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Journal of Science and Technology, 50 (1C): 125-130, 2012.

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