Personnel information

Full name: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong

Position: Lecturer

Concurrent position: External Relation Assisstant

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental Management, Environmental Science, Energy and Climate Change

Scientific background


Year Degree Academic Institution
2021 Doctor Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
2016 Master of Science Vietnam National University – University of Science
2014 Short course Japan-Tsukuba University              
2012 Bachelor Vietnam National University – University of Science


Time Position Organization
2021-nay Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2017-2021 PhD Student, Researcher Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST
2014-2017 Environment Section Manager Honda Vietnam


Course name Program
Cleaner Production Environmental Engineering
Environmental Communication Environmental Engineering
Urban and Industrial Environment Management Environmental Engineering


  • Modify NF membrane for heavy metals removal from groundwater
  • ISO 140014 EMS, Cleaner Production
  • Virtual water trade, virtual water footprint, sustainablity (ESG)


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Ministry of Science and Technology Synthesis of fluorocense applied in 3D imagine OLED display. Participate 2023-2025
Technology Transfer Production of organic deodorize powder without Al nor paraben. Principle investigator 2023-2025
Technology Transfer Production of natrual derived lip balm using medium chained virgin coconut oil. Principle investigator 2023-2024
HUST Research on extraction and isolation of bioactive natural compounds in Xưn xe tạp plant (Kadsura heteroclita (Roxb.) Craib.) Kadsura genus, Schisandraceae family. Participate 2022-2023
International cooperation project Synthesis of new zerumbone derivatives and their bioactivities against cancer Principle investigator 2021-2022
HUST Research on synthesis and semi-synthesis of new β-amino alcohols featuring bioactivity. Principle investigator 2021-2022

Intellectual properties
  • Lee Young Heang, Lee Soogwan, N.T.T. Huong “Surface-modified nanofiltration membrane”, Patent Registration No. 2020-0064969, South Korea
All publications
  • Saqib, A. N. S., Huong, N. T. T., Kim, S. W., Jung, M. H., & Lee, Y. H. (2021). Structural and magnetic properties of highly Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by one-step solution plasma process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 853, 157153
  • Chi, T.T, Hung, D.Q, Huong, N.T.T. (2023), Research the current status and make plans for collection, transportation and treatment of medical waste in Hanoi city, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10.36335/VnJHM.2023(750(1)).45-52
  • Huong, N.T.T., Thu, P.A., Thao, V.T.T. (2024) Estimation of the virtual water trade of agricultural products between Vietnam and China, Journal of Hydrometeorology, DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2024(19).23-35 


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