Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Văn Diệu Anh

Position: Head of Specialized group

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Energy, Environment and Climate Change; Environmental Management; Environmental Science

Scientific background


Year Degree Academic Institution
2007 Doctor Kanazawa University, Japan
2005 Master Kanazawa University, Japan
1999 Bachelor Hue University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2010-now Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2007-2010 Lecturer University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam
2007-2010 PhD Student Kanazawa University, Japan
2004-2007 Master Student Kanazawa University, Japan
2002-2004 Lecturer University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam
1999-200 Apprentice Lecturer University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam


Course name Program
Environmental Quality Analysis Environmental Engineering
Waste Audit Environmental Engineering
Water Quality Management
Integrated Water Resource Management

Water Basin and Coastal Zone Management
Emission Inventory
Environmental Engineering
Natural resource and Environmental Management
Natural resource and Environmental Management
Natural resource and Environmental Management


  • Analysis, Assessment of micro-pollutants in environment
  • Emission Inventory; GreenHouse Gas Inventory; Waste Audit
  • Water Resource Management


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Project of Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Study on Developing an Emissions Map of Air Pollutants for Forecasting and Controlling Air Pollution in the Northern Key Economic Region Participant 2023-2025  
Project of Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Investigation of Black Carbon and Proposal for a Black Carbon Monitoring System in Vietnam Participant 2020-2023  
Nafosted Project Research on characteristics of PM2.5, nanoparticles  and the contribution of secondary particle formation on PM2.5 during haze episodes in Hanoi Scientific Secretary 2023-2024  
National Project, Ministry of Science and Technology Study on Technology for Treating Persistent Organic Compounds Containing Fluorine (FPOPs) in Wastewater Using Adsorbent-Catalyst Materials Scientific Secretary 2019-2024  
HUST Study on the UV-Vis Absorption Capability of Brown Carbon in PM2.5 in Hanoi Principle investigator 2020-2021  
HUST Study on the speciation and hazards of heavy metals in water and sediments of the urban rivers in Hanoi Principle investigator 2017-2018  
HUST Study on the Toxicity and Health Risks of PAHs in the amient air in Hanoi Principle investigator 2016  
International cooperation project Studying the contamination and fate of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in aquatic environment in Vietnam and THE Philippine
Participant 2015-2017  
Nafosted Project Study on the Characteristics of Eutrophic Lakes in the Hanoi and Development of an Artificial Intelligence Model for Classifying Eutrophication Levels of Water Bodies Scientific Secretary 2012-2016  
Book and Book chapter
  • Huynh Trung Hai, Van Dieu Anh, Environmental Quality Analysis Text book, HUST Publisher, 2016.
  • Kazuichi Hayakawa, Van Dieu Anh, Takuya Kawanishi. Contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water Systems, in “Focus on water resource research”, Nova Science Publisher, pp 211-235 (2008)

  • Trinh Thi Phuong Ly, Le Thanh Thuy, Pham Thi Bich Thao, Nguyen Thi Yen Lien, Van Dieu Anh, Phung Thi Thu Trang, Ly Bich Thuy. Assessment of the emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in the flue gas from coal-fired power plants in Vietnam. Environment (Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment ò Vietnam) Vol 4:12-14 (2024)
  • Vo Thi Le Ha, Dao Duy Nam, Van Dieu Anh, Nghiem Trung Dung, Ly Bich Thuy, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Quoc Dat. Occurrence of PM2.5 and PM0.1 at high polluting event days in Ha Noi and health implication. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 62: 335-345 (2024).
  • Thu Ha Thi Vu, Thi Tho Lam, Duy Nam Dao, Dieu Anh Van, Trung Hai Huynh. A Composite of TiO2 Quantum Dots and TiO2 Nanoparticles Coated on Anti-Bumping Glass Beads (TiO2QDs-TiO2NPs/GBs), with a Very Low Content of TiO2 as a High Performance Photocatalyst. Journal of Chemistry  vol. 2023, Article ID 3400175, 11 pages, 2023. (2023)
  • Dao Duy Nam, Nghiem Minh Huyen, Cao Thi Hong Hanh, Van Dieu Anh, Ha Vinh Hung, Vu Minh Trang, Lam Thi Tho, Vu Thi Thu Ha, Huynh Trung Hai. Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue using TiO2-Coated glass beads. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology Vol 60:122:131 (2022)
  • Hoang Van Manh, Ly Bich Thuy, Nguyen Dac Loc,  Nguyen Minh Thang, Van Dieu Anh, Ton Thu Giang,  Nguyen Thi Thu Hien and Vo Thi Le Ha. Particulate matter levels and elemental composition in the Spring and transition period in Hanoi, Vietnam. Scientific Journal (Hanoi University of Education) Vol 67: 110-119 (2022)
  • Dieu‑Anh Van, Tuan V. Vu, Thu‑Hien T. Nguyen, Le‑Ha T. Vo, Nhung Hong Le, Phan H.T. Nguyen, Prapat Pongkiatkul, Bich‑Thuy Ly. A Review of Characteristics, Causes, and Formation Mechanisms of Haze in Southeast Asia. Current Pollution Reports, Vol 8: 201-220 (2022).
  • Hoai Le Tran, Dieu‑Anh Van, Duc Thao Vu, Trung Hai Huynh. Contamination of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in sediment of the Cau River, Vietnam. Environ. Monit. Assess. (2022).
  • Le-Ha T. Vo, Minoru Yoneda, Trung-Dung Nghiem, Yoko Shimada, Dieu-Anh Van, Thu-Hien T. Nguyen, Thuong T. Nguyen. Indoor PM0.1 and PM2.5 in Hanoi: Chemical characterization, source identification, and health risk assessment. Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 13(2): 101324 (2022).
  • Lý Bích Thủy, Văn Diệu Anh. Hiện trạng, nguồn và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới nồng độ bụi PM2.5 tại Hà Nội: Tổng quan các nghiên cứu. Tạp chí Môi trường, Chuyên đề I, 9-13 (2021).
  • Van Dieu‑Anh, Thanh Huy Ngo, Trung Hai Huynh, Norihide Nakada, Florencio Ballesteros, Hiroaki Tanaka. Distribution of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environment in Hanoi and Metro Manila. Environ. Monit. Assess. Vol 193(12) (2021).
  • Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Nghiem Trung Dung, Yoko Shimada, Minoru Yoneda. Indoor and outdoor relationship of particle with different size at an apartment in Hanoi: mass concentration and respiratory dose. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam, Số 58(6), 736-746 (2020).
  • Ngo Huy ThanhVan Dieu-Anh, Tran Hoai Le, Norihide NakadaTanaka H., Hai H.T. Occurrence of pharmaceutical and personal care products in Cau River, Vietnam. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol 28, 12082- 12091 (2020)
  • Bich-Thuy Ly,Yoshizumi Kajii,Thi-Yen-Lien Nguyen,Koki Shoji, Dieu-Anh Van,Thi-Nhu-Ngoc Do, Trung-Dung Nghiem, Yosuke Sakamoto, Characteristics of roadside volatile organic compounds in an urban area dominated by gasoline vehicles, a case study in Hanoi, Chemosphere Vol. 254 (2020)
  • Vo Thi Le Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Bich Thuy Ly, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Dang Viet Lam, Le Thanh Thuy, Nghiem Trung Dung, Study on the health impact from beehive coal stove usage in households in Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology Vol58 Iss. 3A pp 222-229 (2020)
  • Van Dieu Anh, Pham Ngoc Hai, Vo Thi Le Ha, Nguyen Thuy Chung, Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban rivers of Hanoi, Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol.24 Iss. 2 pp216-221 (2019).
  • Thu-Huong Thi Hoang, Anh Dieu Van and Hien Thi Thu Nguyen, Driving variables for eutrophication in lakes of Hanoi by data-driven technique. Water and Environment Journal, Water and Environment Journal, Vol 31 Iss. 2, pp 176-183 (2017).
  • Thu-Huong Thi Hoang, Anh Dieu Van and Hien Thi Thu Nguyen, Driving variables for eutrophication in lakes of Hanoi by data-driven technique. Water and Environment Journal, Vol 31 Iss. 2, pp 176-183 (2017).
  • Van Dieu Anh, Ly Bich Thuy, Vo Thi Le Ha, Nguyen Duc Duy, Hoang Van Manh, Occurrence of PAHs in the atmosphere and incense burning area in Hanoi associated with health risk assessment, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 55, No. 4C: pp 33-37 (2017)
  • Ngô Huy Thành, Văn Diệu Anh, Huỳnh Trung Hải, Norihide Nakada, Tối ưu hóa điều kiện phân tích một số thành phần chất PPCP trên hệ thống sắc ký LC/QQQ, Tạp chí Phân tích Hóa, Lý và Sinh học Số 24(2) pp 112-117 (2017)
  • Van Dieu Anh, Hayakawa Kazuichi, Tang Ning, Toriba Akira, Hayashi Yoshishige, Kawanishi Takuya, Partition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in water-sediment system containing humic acid, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 54, No. 2A: pp 273-280 (2016)
  • Van Dieu Anh, Pham Ky Uoc, Tran Thi Phuong Dung, Fujii Shigeo, Studies on distribution and fractionation of heavy metals in sediment of Cau River, Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 54, No. 2A: pp 293-298 (2016)
  • Hoang Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Nguyen Thi Tam, Nguyen Thi Lien, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Van Dieu Anh, Health risk associated with the potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooms in the lakes of Hanoi by biovolume method, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 143, No. 13/3: pp 121-126 (2015)
  • Van Dieu Anh, Le Thi Thuy Dung, Ton That Huu Dat. Effects of traffic activities on air quality in Hue City, Proceedings of Symposium on Science Technology, Environment and Sustainable Development in littoral area of the central of Vietnam (2009)
  • Kazuichi Hayakawa, Van Dieu Anh, Takuya Kawanishi. Contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water Systems, in “Focus on water resource research”, Nova Science Publisher, pp 211-235 (2008)
  • Van Dieu Anh, K. Uchida, Y. Sano, K. Hayakawa, N. Tang, A. Toriba, T. Kameda, Y. Hayashi and T. Kawanishi. Partition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons between the river water and sediments at downstream locations of rivers in Kanazawa, Japan. Journal of Ecotechnology Research 13:97-107 (2007)
  • Takuya Kawanishi, Van Dieu Anh, Yoko Sano, Yoshishige Hayashi. The behavior of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in an aquatic environment in the Hokuriku Region, in “Past, present and future environments of Pan-Japan Sea Region” Mauen Co. Ltd, Japan, pp 353-362 (2006)


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