Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Thi Thai Yen

Position: Leader of Environmental Sciences group

Belongs to the unit: Department of Environmental Science and Technology

Email address:

Specialized group: Environmental Sciences, Pollution controls; Energy- Environment and Climate changes

Scientific background


Year Degree Academic Institution
2011 Doctor National University of Singapore
2000 Master of Engineering Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, Vietnam National University HCMC (VNU-HCM), Vietnam
1993 Bachelor of Chemistry Ho Chi Minh city University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2001-now Lecturer, Researcher Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2006-2010 PhD Student, Researcher National University of Singapore, Singapore
1993-2006 Lecturer, Researcher Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, VNU-HCM, Vietnam


Course name Program
Environmental Toxicology Environmental Engineering (EV1), Natural resources and Environmental Management (EV2)
Environmental chemistry

Biofuel processing from wastes
Wastewater treatments by natural processes
Environmental Ecology
Introductory of Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering (EV1), Natural resources and Environmental Management (EV2)
Environmental Engineering (EV1), Natural resources and Environmental Management (EV2)
Environmental Engineering (EV1),

Environmental Engineering (EV1), Natural resources and Environmental Management (EV2)
Environmental Engineering (EV1)


  • Utilizing microalgae for bio-remediation of wastewaters and simultaneously producing high-value compounds and biofuel feedstock
  • Wastewater treatment: biological and natural processes
  • Fabricating advanced materials (e.g., aerogel, Janus membrane) from agricultural biomass waste recycling for applications in pollutant adsorption


Funding institution Name of project Role Time frame
Nafosted Applying artificial intelligence technology integrating remote sensing and monitoring data to develop methods to assess and monitor eutrophication at Hoa Binh hydropower reservoir for sustainable aquaculture
Key participant 2023-2026
International collaboration project (USAID-Laser Pulse) Decentralised water resource circulation as a sustainable solution for plantation
- Code: F9002550402139
Key participant 2021-2023
International collaboration project (Global Challenges Research Fund CATALYST: Transforming resilience across water and food systems
- Code: JA2300RD15
Key participant 2020-2021
Ministry of Education and Training Research on building a predictive model of metal toxicity to aquatic zooplankton in Hanoi lakes based on the application of the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM)- Project code: 2019-BK.03 Key participant 2019-2023
Hanoi University of Sci. and Tech Spirulina cultivation in wastewater for low cost and removals of nutrients in wastewater, then reuse treated wastewater. Key participant 2017-2019
Hanoi Department of Sci. and Tech. Cultivation of microalgae using piggery wastewater for producing an alternative feedstock of biodiesel and concomitantly treating wastewater. Principal Investigator 2012-2013

Book and Book chapter
  • Le Huy Ba, Le Thi Nhu Hoa, Phan Kim Phuong, Doan Thai Yen, Nguyen Le (2000). Environmental toxicology. Ho Chi Minh City National University Publishing House (in Vietnamese).
Intellectual properties
  • Vietnamese patent on “Algae lamp system”, code 37128, deceision number 64549/QĐ-SHTT, 29/8/2023.
Peer reviewed scientific journals
  1. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Pham Thuy Linh, (2022). Adsorption of Methylene blue onto Polyvinylalcohol/ Spirulina adsorbent. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 60(5B), 194-204. doi:10.15625/2525-2518/17421
  2. Duc Bach Nguyen,Thi Thai Yen Doan,Thi Cam Mien Phi, The An Ngo, Le Dieu Huong Vu, Dinh Kim Dang, (2021). Arthrospira production in Vietnam: Current status and prospects. Bioresourse Technology Reports 15, 100803.
  3. Doan, Y.TT., Ho, MT., Nguyen, HK. Han, HD., (2021). Optimization of Spirulina sp. cultivation using reinforcement learning with state prediction based on LSTM neural network. J Appl Phycol. 33 (5):2733-2744.
  4. Narasinga Rao HanumanthRao, BojanTamburic, Yen Thi Thai Doan, Bach Duc Nguyen, Rita Kay Henderson, 2021. Algal biotechnology in Australia and Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges, Algal Research 56, 102335.
  5. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Nguyen Thuy Nga, Phung Tra My, Do Thi Huong, Nguyen Ngoc Chau, 2020. Nutrient recovery and pollutant removal from piggery wastewater by Spirulina cultivation, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 58(3A) 187-194, doi:10.15625/2525-2518/58/3A/14363.
  6. Nguyen Thuy Nga, Nguyen Ngoc Chau, Doan Thi Thai Yen, Effect of N:P ratios of the wastewater mixture to growth of Spirulina and N, P removal efficiencies after cultivation, Journal of Sciences and Technology-Technical Universities 2020, 141: 80-85
  7. Hung Vinh Ha, Quy Van Vuong, Yen Thi Thai Doan, Research on Harvesting of Microalgae Chlorella sp by Electrochemical Flotation Method Using Corrosive Electrodes, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 2017, 55(4C)14-19
  8. Ngo Van Chien, Vu Ngoc Thuy, Miyashita Hideaki, Doan Thi Thai Yen, Factors that Affect the Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorous from Piggery Wastewater Using Microalgae –Bacteria Consortium, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 2017, 55(4C): 198-203
  9. Do Khac Uan, Yen Thi Thai Doan, Nguyen Tien Thanh. 2016. Application of Membrane Filtration to Harvest Microalgae Cultivated from Piggery Wastewater. Vietnam J. Agri. Sci, 14(11): 1773-1780 (in Vietnamese).
  10. Qian Lu, Wenguang Zhou, Min Min, Xiaochen Ma, Yiwei Ma, Paul Chen, Hongli Zheng, Yen T.T. Doan, Hui Liu, Chi Chen, Pedro E. Urriola, Gerald C. Shurson, Roger Ruan.(2016). Mitigating ammonia nitrogen deficiency in dairy wastewaters for algae cultivation. Bioresource Technology, 201 (33-40). DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.11.029
  11. Qian Lu, Wenguang Zhou, Min Min, Xiaochen Ma, Ceria Chandra, Yen T.T. Doan, Yiwei Ma, Hongli Zheng, Sibo Cheng, Richard Griffith, Paul Chen, Chi Chen, Pedro E. Urriola, Gerald C. Shurson, Hans R. Gislerød, Roger Ruan (2015). Growing Chlorella sp. on meat processing wastewater for nutrient removal and biomass production. Bioresource Technology 198 (189–197).
  12. Yen Thi Thai Doan, Obbard, J.P. 2015. Two-stage Cultivation of a Nannochloropsis mutant for Biodiesel Feedstock. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27:2203–2208
  13. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Do Ngoc Huan, Nguyen Thuy Nga, 2015, Culturing Chlorella in anaerobically digested piggery wastewater for biodiesel feedstock and nutrient removal, Journal of Sciences and Technology-Technical Universities, 99(A): 05-09.
  14. Nguyen Thi Thuy, Nguyen Duc Long, Nguyen Thuy Nga, Doan Thi Thai Yen, 2013. Selection of microalgae for piggery wastewater treatment and biodiesel feedstock. Journal of Science and Technology, 51(3B): 41-47.
  15. Nguyen Duc Long, Do Khac Uan, Doan Thi Thai Yen, 2013. Factors affect to removal efficiencies of piggery wastewater treatment using microalgae. Journal of Science and Technology 51(3B):210-216
  16. Rajesh Kumar Balasubramanian, Doan Thi Thai Yen, Jeffrey Philip Obbard, 2013. Factors affecting cellular lipid extraction from marine microalgae. Chemical Engineering Journal 215–216: 929–936
  17. Doan Thi Thai Yen, 2012. Microalgae, a novel feedstock for biodiesel production and its perspectives in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology, 50 (1C): 270-280 (in Vietnamese).
  18. Hoang Thi Thu Huong, Ly Bich Thuy, Pham Thu Phuong, Doan Thi Thai Yen. 2012. Eutrophication in the lakes of Hanoi discovered by water quality index and chlorophyll- a indicator. Journal of Science and Technology, 50 (1C): 125-130 (in Vietnamese).
  19. Doan Thi Thai Yen., Obbard, J.P., 2012. Enhanced Intracellular Lipid in Nannochloropsis spvia Random Mutagenesis and Flow Cytometric Cell Sorting. Algae research 1(1), 17-21.
  20. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Balasubramanian,S., Obbard, J.P., 2011. Screening of Marine Microalgae for Biodiesel Feedstock. Biomass andBioenergy 35: 2534-2544.
  21. Doan Thi Thai Yen., Obbard, J.P., 2011. Enhanced lipid production in Nannochloropsis sp. using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. GCB-Bioenergy 3:264-270
  22. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Obbard, J.P., 2011. Improved Nile red staining of Nannochloropsis sp. Journal of Applied   Phycology 23(5): 895-901.
Peer reviewed, full paper in conference proceedings ( 5 years recently)
  1. Pham Van Hoang, Nguyen The Phong, Doan Thi Thai Yen (2023). Cellulose aerogels made from biomass wastes for adsorption of oil and gasoline. 8th Analytica conference Proceeding, p.499-511. ISBN: 978-604-336-5290
  2. Doan Thi Thai Yen, Pham Van Hoang  (2023), Nutrient removal from dairy farm wastewater by immobilized Chlorella sp. AIP Conference Proceedings 2785, 030039,
  3. Nguyen The Phong, Vu Huu Hoa, Pham Thi Huong Giang, Doan Thi Thai Yen  (2022). Creating cellulose aerogel from agricultural wastes for application in thermal insulation and heat recovery. Student Forum 2022 Proceeding - Sustainable energy , p 537-542. ISBN 978-604-316-606-1
  4. Dinh Hoang Trang Nhung, Ngo Thi Nhung, Vu Thi Xuan, Doan Thị Thai Yen (2022). Biodiesel from microalgae Scenedesmus with lipase catalyst, a sustainable fuel for future. Student Forum 2022 Proceeding - Sustainable energy, p 192-197. ISBN 978-604-316-606-1.


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