Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vũ Hồng Thái

Position: Senior Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Chemical Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree University
2006 Doctor Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
1999 Master of Science Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
1996 Engineer of Chemical Process Equipment Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Time Position Organization
2006-now Lecturer, Senior Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2003-2006 PhD Student, Researcher Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
1999-2002 Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Code Course Program
CH2000 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
CH3456 Appiled Mechanics Chemical Engineering
CH4780 Chemical Process and Plant Safety Chemical Engineering
CH2043E Heat and Mass Transfer ELITECH program of Pharmaceutical Chemical Engineering
CH4642 Chemical Engineering Design Principles Chemical Process Equipment
CH5651 Separation Process Technology 2 Chemical Process Equipment
CH4628 Specialized Project Chemical Process Equipment
CH5654 Project 3 Chemical Process Equipment
CH4659 Chemical Process Equipment’s Project Chemical Process Equipment
CH5909 Thesis Chemical Process Equipment


  • Modelling of the Transport Phenomena in Porous Media.
  • Micro-Macro-Interactions in Structured Media and Particle Systems.
  • Influence of Drying Kinetics on Drying Behavior in Porous Media by Continuous Model.


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
Ministry of Education and Training Investigation of the Synthesizing Nanostructured Materials capable of Oxygen Enrichment for Biomedical Applications. Participate 2021-2023
Vietnam-Germany Bilateral Project Investigation of purification process of (-)-gossypol from Vietnam cottonseed and synthesis some derivatives. Participate 2014-2018
Ministry of Education and Training Develop Numerical Model to Compute the Effective Transport Parameters of Drying of Porous Media by Mean of Continuous Model. Principle investigator 2009-2012
Ministry of Education and Training Study of Anthracite coal gasification Technology using moist Air as fuel in a stationary Furnace. Participate 2009-2012

Book and Book chapter
  • Vu Hong Thai, Introduction to Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering (in Vietnamese), ISBN: 978-604-67-0880-3, Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Introduction to Finite Element Method: Theory and Application (in Vietnamese), Hanoi University of Science and Technology Publishing House, ISBN: 978-604-93-8767-8 Hanoi, Vietnam, 2018.
  • T. Metzger, T. H. Vu, A. Irawan, V. K. Surasani, E. Tsotsas, Pore-Scale Modelling of Transport Phenomena in Drying, in Micro-Macro-Interactions in Structured Media and Particle Systems, A. Bertram, J. Tomas (Editors), ISBN 978-3-540-85714-3, Springer, Berlin, pp. 187-206, 2008.
Intellectual properties
  • Vũ Đình Tiến, Vũ Hồng Thái, Patent, No.: 3003, “Grinding disc set for peeling Sacha Inchi and Peeling equipment with this set of grinding disc.”. Decision No.: 16495w/QĐ-SHTT, Intellectual Property Office Of Vietnam dated September 27, 2022.
All publications
  • Vu Hong Thai, Nguyen Trung Dung, Drying of porous media: An algorithm to Determine the Effective parameters, Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering, Volume 64, Number 2, pp. 28-33, Doi: 10.31276/VJSTE.64(2).28-33, 2022.
  • Hong Thai Vu, Evangelos Tsotsas, On the Drying Process in Porous Media: From Basic Concepts and Transport Phenomena to Continuum Modelling, Proceedings of Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, ISBN 978-1-53618-255-2 (PHENMA 2019), Chapter 19, 2020.
  • Vu Dinh Tien, Vu Hong Thai, Nguyen Thi Tram, Yvan Larondelle, Evaluation and characterization of nutrient value of Sacha Inchi seeds grown in Vietnam and the residual pressed cake, Proceedings of the 12th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE 2019), pp. 139-141, 2019.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Evangelos Tsotsas, A Framework and Numerical Solution of the Drying Process in Porous Media by Using a Continuous Model, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 2019, pp. 1-16, Article ID 9043670, https://, 2019.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Evangelos Tsotsas, Mass and heat transport models for analysis of the drying process in porous media: A review and numerical implementation, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 9456418, 13 pages,,  2018.
  • Nguyen Quang Thanh, Nguyen Trung Dung, Nguyen Dang Binh Thanh, Vu Hong Thai, Simulation of the Reactor in the DAP Production Line by Using Aspen Plus (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Chemistry and Application, Volume 4 (44), pp. 23-26, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Ta Hong Duc, Vu Dinh Tien, Apply a Transient Heat Conduction Model for Design of Urea Prilling Tower, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 56, No. 2A, pp. 43-50, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Vu Dinh Tien, Pore size distribution in simulation of mass transport in porous media: A case study in reservoir analysis, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 56, No. 2A, pp. 24-30, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Thomas Metzger, Evangelos Tsotsas, A Comparison between the use of continuous and pore network approach in the simulation of the drying process of porous media with different pore size distribution, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Volume 56 (5), pp. 564-569, 2018.
  • Nguyen Thi Hai, Vu Hong Thai, Hysys Simulation of Sulfuric Acid Production Process (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Chemical Industry, Volume 7, pp. 40-44, 2018. 
  • Nguyen Van Tuan, Vu Hong Thai, Research on Process of Sedimentation of Wastewater Treatment System in Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Chemistry and Application, Volume 3 (43), pp. 12-15, 2018.
  • Nguyen Trung Dung, Vu Hong Thai, Effect of the ease of separation index (ESI) and feed composition on the selection of distillation configuration, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry Volume 56 (4), pp. 498-503, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Experiments to measure the sorption isotherm of Gamma Alumina (γg-Al2O3) (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities, Vol. 125, pp. 76-79, 2018.
  • Nguyen Huu Duong, Vu Hong Thai, Mathematical model and simulation of a heterogeneous catalytic reactor for reforming process of heavy gasoline (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Catalys and Absorption, Volume 7, No. 2, pp. 111-115, 2018.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Experiment Method to Determine the Dry Mass and Drying Kinetics of Gamma Alumina Particle (g-Al2O3) (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Catalys and Absorption, Volume 1, No. 6, pp. 54-58, 2017.
  • Vu Hong Thai, The use of Continuous Model in Modeling the Drying of Porous Media: Influence of Sample Size (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, No. 2e55, pp. 45-49, 2017.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Experimental method to determine the pore size structure and pore size distribution of gamma alumina (g-Al2O3) material, Journal of Chemistry, No. 55 (5), pp. 593-599, 2017.
  • Khong Quoc Anh, Vu Hong Thai, Analysis of Technology and Computational Methodology of Material Balance in the Production of NPK Fertilizer (in Vietnamese), Journal of Science and Technology of Vietnam, No. 11, Vol. 10, pp. 41-45, 2016.
  • Vu Dinh Tien, Vu Hong Thai, Mathematical Model and Simulation for Fixed-Bed Coal Gasifier (in Vietnamese), Vietnam Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities, No. 96, pp. 138-144, 2013.
  • Vu Hong Thai, Vu Dinh Tien, On Forward and Inverse Problem in Studying the Drying Behavior of Porous Media, Vietnam Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities, No. 93, pp. 1-7, 2013.
  • Vu H.T., Metzger T. and Tsotsas E., Influence of pore size distribution via effective parameters in a continuous drying model, International Drying Symposium (IDS 2006), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 554-561, 2006.


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