Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. VAN DINH SON THO

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Chemical Engineering

Email address:

Specialized group: Organic and Petrochemical Technology

Scientific background

  • 1994: Graduation of Engineering Degree at Hanoi University of Science and Technology - HUST
  • 1998: Graduation of Bachelor Degree at National Economic University
  • 2000: Graduation of Master degree at School of Chemical Engineering at HUST
  • 2005: Doctor degree for Technical of Hanoi University of Science and Technology – HUST
  • 2011: Promote Associate Professor of School of Chemical Engineering of HUST


No Period Organization Position Task
1 2021-now School of Chemical Engineering - HUST Lecturer and Researcher  Lecture and Associate Prof. at SCE
2 2017-2021 Vietnam Japan Institute for Science and Technology Vice director Collaborated with Local partner for enhancement the technology transfer from Japanese to Vietnam
3 2003-2005 School of Chemical Engineering - HUST Researcher Researcher and Lecturer at SCE major in Thermal conversion of coal and biomass
4 2000-2001 Tokyo Institute of Technology Researcher Researched and synthesized new materials for storages of hydrogen energy
5 1998-2000 Joint Venture of Petrolimex – Nissho Iwai - Tayca Vice director Responsible for technical issue of surfactant production plant
6 1996-1998 Petrolimex Lubricant Company R&D R&D new lubricant product
7 1994-1996 Petrolimex Cooperation Engineer Technical department


  • Alternetive fuel derived from waste
  • Consultance, design, technology transfer, training for biofuel/ alternavite fuel/waste treatment subject.
  • Carbon foot print of industrial process.


No Year Project Tasks Assigned
1 2023 Waste feedstock evaluation for biofuel production in Vietnam
  • Waste feedstock evaluation of industrial sectors for biofuel production.
  • Logistic chain analyis.
2 2022-2023 Innovation manager of
USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security
  • Support 20 innovation solutions relating to energy and environment for pilot demonstration, scale up and commercialization.
  • Support the local developers for  Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy project
3 2022-2023 Utilization of industrial waste for alternative fuel at Cement plant - IEC project
  • Waste characterization and combustion behaviour
  • Pre-treatment plant of industrial waste into alternative fuel
  • Modification of Calcined for co-combustion of industrial waste and coal
4 2021 BOT project for MSW treatment and incinerator capacity 100 MT/day – KC Cottrell  Korea  project.
  • Localization production of main equipment of Incinerator
  • Operation and Technology transfer and Training for Local customer
5 2020-2021 Hydrothermal treatment of MSW for RDF production, Local company project (Lilama EME – collaboration with HUST University), Principal Investigator
  • Design the pilot system
  • Fuel characterization and combustion test
6 2020 Design and Engineering of 70 ton MSW/day incinerator using reciprocating grates with capacity 70tons/day - KC Cottrell Korea project.
  • Technological design, basic design and detail design of waste treatment process
  • Detail design for Incinerator, Flue gas treatment and Water recycling process
7 2018 Economic feasibility of grid connected biomass power plant based on Acacia in Short Rotation Forestry Systems on post mining land in Ha Long City, Independent Institute for Environmental Issues, Berlin, Germany,
Principal Investigator
  • Survey the information of stake holders
  • Technical and Economic assessment of biomass power plant
  • Calculation of FIT
8 2016-2017 Support to the global project entitled ‘Building Capacity for enhancing bioenergy sustainability through the use of GBEP indicators’ (GCP/GLO/554/GER).- FAO – ROME, FAO, ROME, ITALIA,
Woking with FAO expert for carry out the Project
Principal Investigator for work packages:
  • Lifecycle GHG emissions of bioenergy pathway
  • Change in the consumption of fossil fuels and traditional use of biomass
  • Bioenergy used to expand access to modern energy services;
  • Net energy balance for bioenergy pathways
  • Change in the consumption of fossil fuels and traditional use of biomass
  • Energy diversity bioenergy pathways;
  • Infrastructure and logistics for distribution of bioenergy
  • Capacity and flexibility of use of bioenergy
9 2014-2016 Waste plastic to oil, optimization process for fuel production, AUD-SEEDNet – JICA project,
Principal Investigator
  • Collaboration with Japanese University and Japanese Company for technology transfer of recycling waste technology for fuel production.
  • Collaboration with local industrial partner for technical configuration of pyrolysis system
  • Carrying the side activities and fuel test characterization
10 2015 ASEAN Biomass project, phase II, Thailand Innovation Office, Principal Investigator:
  • Organized the meeting with Biomass Companies in Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh and in Hanoi.
  • Wood pellet marching business in ASEAN country
  • Organization of conference between ASEAN country relating to Bioenergy topic.
11 2014 Vietnam Energy Efficiency for Industrial Enterprises Program (VEEIE), NARIS-RCEE, Principal Investigator
  • Survey Food Processing Industry
  • Proposal the project for Improving Energy Efficiency with Integrated Ozone and Climate Benefits
  2013-2014 Research and application of Biomass gasification technology for electric/energy application of Vietnam remote areas, VLIR-OUS, Belgium,
 Principal Investigator
  • Collaboration with Belgium partners for biomass gasification.
  • Set up and design the pilot system for combination of gasification and heat and power generation model.


  1. Expert-Information-Seminar and Technology Tour "Renewable Energies for Vietnam", Germany, Oct. 2016
  2. IRRC Waste - to - Energy, Vienna -Austria 5,6 September 2016
  3. ASEAN Workshop for Capacity Building in Bio-Energy Technology, Thailand 6 May 2016
  4. ASTIP Kick-off Workshop and SATREPS workshop, Thailand 18 Jan 2016.
  5. Workshop on Opportunities to Reduce Emissions in Power Generation, IEA, November 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  6. The “3rd ASEAN BIOENERGY WORKSHOP Bioenergy technology for fuel, heat and power generation: Current and Future potential” in September 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  7. The workshop on Sustainable development of Heat Engineering and Refrigeration, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  8. The second ASIAN bioenergy workshop, National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office”, Bangkok Thailand, May, 2014
  9. Recent Trend and Future Perspectives of Biofuel Production in Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014.
  10. The 22nd Biomass International Conference in Hamburg, Germany.
  11. International Conference on Green Growth and Energy for ASEAN (GGEA2014), December 2014, Hanoi

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