Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đặng Việt Hưng

Position: Lecturer

Belongs to the unit: Department of Chemical Engineering

Email address:

Scientific background

Năm Cấp đào tạo Đơn vị đào tạo
2010 Doctor Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2005 Master of Science Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2000 Engineer of Polymer Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Thời gian Cấp đào tạo Đơn vị đào tạo
2009-nay Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2005-2010 PhD Student Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
2000-2005 Researcher National Institute of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Mã học phần Tên học phần Chương trình đào tạo
CH4421 Polymer chemistry and physical chemistry Chemical Engineering
CH5268 Polymer chemistry Chemical Engineering
CH4089 Polymer - paper specialized project Chemical Engineering
CH3900 Technical internship Chemical Engineering
CH5266 Polymer specialized project Chemical Engineering
CH4088 Polymer - Paper specialized testing laboratory Chemical Engineering
CH5901 Engineering graduation project Chemical Engineering
CH5801 Final internship Chemical Engineering


• Research on preparation of enginnering rubber and blend rubber based on natural rubber and synthetic rubber: anti-vibration rubber, foam rubber, thermoplastic rubber, abrasion-resistant rubber, rubber anti-static, insulating rubber, magnetic rubber...

• Research on preparation of biodegradable and environmentally friendly polymers: food and fruit preservation films, farm houses...

• Synthesis and preparation of nano-reinforcing additives and additives with enhanced properties for rubber: nano silica, silane-modified silica, carbon black hybrid silica filler, hybrid graphene oxide nano silica.


Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
National project KC.02.06/16-20 Research, design and manufacture anti-vibration and compression-resistant engineering rubber products used in locomotives - and lifting bags for waterway salvage and rescue Principle investigator 2023-2025
Ministry of Education and Training Project B2015-01-97 Research on manufacturing foam rubber based on natural rubber using additives in the form of masterbatch Principle investigator 2023-2025
Hanoi Department of Science and Technology DL/06-2011-2 Research on manufacturing silane-modified silica for use in the rubber industry. Application in automobile tire production Principle investigator 2023-2024
National project KC.02.TN01/11-15 Research on manufacturing raw materials based on natural rubber and reinforcing nano additives Principle investigator 2022-2023
HUST T2013-DT-02- Research on using masterbatch to stabilize and improve anti-aging properties of rubber components Principle investigator 2021-2022

Book and Book chapter
  • Bui Chung, Dang Viet Hung, Nguyen Pham Duy Linh, "Rubber materials technology and engineering. Volume 1 Rubber technology" Hanoi Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020.
  • Bui Chung, Dang Viet Hung, Nguyen Pham Duy Linh, "Rubber materials technology and engineering. Volume 2 Rubber materials engineering" Hanoi Polytechnic Publishing House, 2020..
Intellectual properties
• Utilization: Method for producing silica water suspension modified with silane. April 4, 2016 according to Decision No. 18166/QD-SHTT
• Utilization: Method for producing nanocomposite materials and nanocomposite materials. July 11, 2016 according to Decision No. 41929/QD-SHTT
• Patent 31241: Method of adhesion of natural rubber to steel using bariferite and materials produced by this method. January 25, 2022 according to Decision No. 1553w /QD-SHTT
• Patent 31242: Method of adhesion of natural rubber to steel using magnetic iron oxide and materials produced by this method. January 25, 2022 according to Decision No. 1554w/QD-SHTT
All publications
  • Dang Viet Hung; Bui Chuong. Nghiên cứu chế tạo blend giữa polypropylene (PP) và cao su butadiene acrylonitrile (NBR). Phần 2 Qui hoạch hóa thực nghiệm quá trình chế tạo blend NBR/PP. Tạp chí Hóa học. 2018, 56 (1) 663-678.
  • Dang Viet Hung, Bui Chuong, Tính toán các đặc trưng lưu hóa của cao su thiên và blend NR/CR với các phụ gia khác nhau, Tạp chí Hóa học, 2018,  56 (3) 290-295.          
  • Nguyen Trong Quang, Dang Viet Hung, Bui Chuong, Hoang Nam, Nguyen Thi Yen “Study on the effect of modified and unmodified silica on the properties of natural rubber vulcanizates”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 57(3)357-362.
  • Đặng Việt Hưng, Nguyễn Trọng Quang, Bùi Chương, Trần Trung Lê, Nguyễn Thiên Vương “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của một số chất phối hợp đến độ bám dính cao su tự nhiên - thép”, Tạp chí Hóa học,    2019,  57(6E1,2), 295-298.
  • Nguyễn Trọng Quang, Đặng Việt Hưng, Bùi Chương, Trần Trung Lê, Nguyễn Thiên Vương “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng sử dụng phối hợp xúc tiến (D, DM, M) đến một số tính chất cao su thiên nhiên”, Tạp chí Hóa học, 2019, 57(6E1,2), 299-305.
  • Nguyễn Trọng Quang, Đặng Việt Hưng, Bùi Chương, Trần Trung Lê, “Mullins effect and crack growth in natural rubber vulcanizates during heat aging and cyclic loading”, Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ. 2020, 31, 061-067.
  • Quang Nguyen Trong, Hung Dang Viet, Linh Nguyen Pham Duy, Chuong Bui, Duong Duc La, "Detailed Study on the Mechanical Properties and Activation Energy of Natural Rubber/Chloroprene Rubber Blends during Aging Processes", Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2020, Article ID 7064934, 7 pages, 2020.
  • Thien Vuong Nguyen Phi Hung Dao Tuan Anh Nguyen Viet Hung Dang Minh Nguyet Ha Thi Thuy Trang Nguyen Quoc Trung Vu Ngọc Linh Nguyen Tran Chien Dang  Phuong Nguyen-Tri Dai Lam Tran Le Trong Lu Photocatalytic degradation and heat reflectance recovery of waterborne acrylic polymer/ZnO nanocomposite coating The role of organic and inorganic UV-absorbents on photopolymerization and mechanical properties of acrylate-urethane coating J Appl Polym Sci. 2020, 1-12, e49116.
  • Thien Vuong Nguyen, Phuong Nguyen -Tri, Sohrab Azizi, Tran Chien Dange, Duc Minh Hoang, Thu Ha Hoang, Thi Linh Nguyen, Thuy Thi Le Bui, Viet Hung Dang, Ngọc Linh Nguyen, The Tam Le, Thi Ngoc Linh Nguyen, Quoc Trung Vu, Dai Lam Tran, Thi My Linh Dang, Le Trong Lu, The role of organic and inorganic UV-absorbents on photopolymerization and mechanical properties of acrylate-urethane coating, Materials Today Communications, 2020, 22 1-8. 
  • Хак Нгок Хо, Алевтина Петровна Рахматуллина , Марат Ансарович Ибрагимов , Куанг Зиен Ле , Вьет Хынг Данг. РАЗРАБОТКА ВОДОНАБУХАЮЩИХ РЕЗИН НА ОСНОВЕ НАТУРАЛЬНОГО КАУЧУКА И НАТРИЙ-КАРБОКСИМЕТИЛЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ,. Ползуновский вестник . 2023, 2, 184‒192.
  • Хак Нгок Хо, Алевтина Петровна Рахматуллина , Марат Ансарович Ибрагимов , Куанг Зиен Ле , Вьет Хынг Данг 3ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ НАНОЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ ДЛЯ МОДИФИЦИРОВАНИЯ ВОДОНАБУХАЮЩИХ РЕЗИН НА ОСНОВЕ НАТУРАЛЬНОГО КАУЧУКА И НАТРИЙ-КАРБОКСИМЕТИЛЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ. Ползуновский вестник, 2023, 2, 208‒216.
  • Tran Vinh Dieu, Bui Chuong, Dang Viet Hung, Nguyen Huy Tung, Nguyen Pham Duy Linh, Doan Thi Yen Oanh, Review: Natural rubber – Improvement of properties, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 61, 269 – 284
  • Nghiêm Thị Thương, Phạm Hồ Anh Tú, Cao Hồng Hà, Đặng Việt Hưng, Nguyễn Hàn Long, Modification of ZnO nanoparticles as an efficient activator for rubber vulcanization, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 60, 759-765.


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