Personnel information

Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Tuan Anh

Position: Lecturer

Concurrent position: Deputy Head of Bioengineering Department

Belongs to the unit: Department of Bioengineering

Email address:

Scientific background


Year Degree Education organization
2011 Ph.D Aix-Marseille 1 University, France
2007 McS Dijon University, France
2006 Engineer HUST


Time frame Occupation Organization
2011-now Lecturer Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Course ID Course name Program
BF4707 Fermentation technique Bio-engineering
BF4708 Practical in Fermentation Bio-engineering
BF3509 Food microbiology Food engineering
BF3701 General microbiology 1 Bio-engineering
BF6125 Biofuel Master of Bio-engineering


  • Developing fermentation technology: probiotics (spores, vegetative cells), enzymes, functional polysaccharides.
  • Biosynthesis of carotenoids (beta-carotene, torularhodin, torulene) and lipids from oleaginous yeast
  • Valorizing by-product sources (shrimp shells, sugarcane bagasse, cassava residue, molasses...), Biorefinery
Type of project Name of project Role Time frame
MOST project Metabolic engineering of Vibrio natriegens for production of lysine from shrimp processing by-products Participant 2021-2023
MOST project Development of integrated energy-saving and very high gravity technology for ethanol production Participant 2020-2022
MOIT project Produce polysaccharopeptide PSK, PSP from Trametes versicolorand apply in funtional food production. PI 2019-2020
MOET project Selection of lipid and beta-carotene accumulated yeast for feed application. PI 2019-2020
MOIT project Nanocellulose production from cassava bagasse and applying in food and medical industry Participant 2016-2018

Book and Book chapter
  • Phu-Ha Ho;Tuan-Anh Pham; Quoc-Phong Truong; Lan-Huong Nguyen; Tien-Thanh Nguyen; Hang-Thuy Dam; Chinh-Nghia Nguyen; Ha-Anh Nguyen; Quyet-Tien Phi; Hoang Anh Nguyen; Son Chu-Ky.Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics: Technological Advancements Towards Safety and Industrial Applications; Chapter 2: Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Beneficial Microorganisms from Traditional Fermented Foods
  • Son Chu-Ky, Nguyen-Thanh Vu, Quyet-Tien Phi, Tuan Pham Anh, Kim-Anh To, Le-Ha Quan, Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Hong-Nga Luong, Thu-Trang Vu, Tien-Cuong Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Pham, Thanh-Ha Le, Ngoc Tung Quach, Chinh-Nghia Nguyen. Valorization of Agro-Industrial Byproducts; Chapter 5: Adding Values to Agro-Industrial Byproducts for the Bioeconomy in Vietnam
Intellectual properties
• To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Utility solution: Process for producing glucose from residual starch in cassava residue, No. 2770. Decision No. 19001w/QD-SHTT, dated November 23, 2021. Intellectual Property
Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. Utility solution: Process for producing polysaccharides from Vanchi persimmon, No. 3111. Decision No. 1074w/QD-SHTT, February 15, 2023. Intellectual Property
Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh, Pham Thi Ly, Trinh Thi Tra My. Utility solution: Fermentation process for carotenoid biosynthesis, No. 3508. Decision No. 120124/QD-SHTT, December 20, 2023.
• Le Quang Dien, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Hoang Chung, Thai Dinh Cuong, Nguyen Trung Thanh, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Phan Huy Hoang, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Le Thi Lan Chi, Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet. Utility solution: Process for producing single-cell proteins from wood materials. Date of issue February 19, 2024.
• Chu Ky Son, Tien Tien Nam, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Nguyen Chinh Nghia, Nguyen Tien Cuong, Pham Tuan Anh, Pham Ngoc Hung, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc. Patent: Multi-function store integration and packaging system, No. 38744. Decision No. 3642/QD-SHTT dated January 15, 2014.
All publications
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Jean Guy Berrin, Eric Record, Kim Anh To and Jean-Claude Sigoillot, 2010. Hydrolysis of softwood by Aspergillus mannanase: Role of a carbohydrate-binding module. J. Biotechnology, 147: 163-170.
  • Kieu Trung Dong, Pham Tuan Anh, Phung Thi Thuy, To Kim Anh. 2013. Study of dye decolorization ability of laccase from white fungi Pleurotus florida bagasse. Journal of science and technology. Tập 51 (3B).
  • Cao Xuan Bach, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. 2015. Screening of cellulolytic fungi for rubber wood hydrolysis, Journal of Science and Technology – Technical Universities. Tập 105
  • Le Quang Dien, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet. 2015. Preparation of Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulosic Fibers by Acetic acid Treatment for Bioethanol Production, Journal of Chemistry, T.53 (1), p.50-56
  • Ngô Duy Sạ, Tô Kim Anh, Phạm Tuấn Anh. 2016. Hydrolysis ability of the formic acid-fractionated bagasse and attempt to increase the glucose concentration in the hydrolysis for feasible cellulose ethanol production. Journal of Science and Technology – Technical Universities. 111, p.29-36.
  • Ngô Duy Sạ, Tô Kim Anh, Phạm Tuấn Anh. 2016. Comparison between separate and simultaneous hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of formic acid fractionated sugarcane bagasse. Tạp chí khoa học và Công nghệ. 54 (1A),
  • Mai-Lan Pham, Tatjana Leister, Hoang Anh Nguyen, Bien-Cuong Do, Anh-Tuan Pham, Dietmar Haltrich, Montarop Yamabhai, Thu-Ha Nguyen, and Tien-Thanh Nguyen. 2017. Immobilization of b-galactosidases from Lactobacillus on Chitin using a chitin-binding module. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65 (14), p. 2965-2976
  • Tuan Le, Dominique Anne-Archard, Véronique Coma, Xavier Cameleyre, Eric Lombard, Kim Anh To, Tuan Anh Pham, Tien Cuong Nguyen, Luc Fillaudeau. Using in-situ viscosimetry and morphogranulometry to explore hydrolysis mechanisms of filter paper and pretreated sugarcane bagasse under semi-dilute suspensions. (2017) Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 127. pp. 9-20. ISSN 1369-703X.
  • Yves Waché, Thuy-Le Do, Thi-Yen Thi-Bao-Hoa Do, Maxime Haure Do, Phu-Ha Ho, Anil Kumar Anal, Wen-Jun Van-Viet-Man Le, Hélène Licandro Li, Da Lorn, Mai-Huong Ly-Chatain, Sokny Ly, Warapa Mahakarnchanakul, Dinh-Vuong Mai, Hasika Mith, Dzung-Hoang Nguyen, Thi-Minh Thi-Kim-Chi Nguyen, Tu Nguyen, Thi-Viet Thi-Thanh-Thuy Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Hai-Vu Pham, Tuan-Anh Pham, Thanh-Tam Phan, Reasmey Tan, Tien-Nam Tien, Thierry Tran, Sophal Try, Quyet-Tien Phi, Dominique Valentin, Quoc-Bao Vo-Van, Kitiya Vongkamjan, Duc-Chien Vu, Nguyen-Thanh Vu, Son Chu-Ky. Prospects for Food Fermentation in South-East Asia, Topics From the Tropical Fermentation and Biotechnology Network at the End of the AsiFood Erasmus+ Project. (2019). Frontiers in microbiology, vol. 9.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Le Thi Tho, To Kim Anh. Direct Glucose Recovery from Cassava bagasse using Granular Starch-Hydrolyzing Enzyme. 2019. Journal of Science and Technology, technical university, vol. 134.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Pham Kim Ngan, To Kim Anh. 2019. Efficient starch recovery from cassava bagasse: role of cellulase and pectinase. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 57. pp. 401-409
  • Phạm Tuan Anh, Hoang Thi Ngoc Trang, Phung Thi Thuy, Tô Kim Anh. 2021. Factors enhancing the accumulation of beta-carotene in Rhodotorula taiwanensis ct1. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology;, 58 (6A), 299-307.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Tran Luongng Nguyen, Dam Thuy Hang, To Kim Anh. 2022. Valorization of Cassava bagasse using co-culture of Aspergillus oryzae VS1 and Sporidiobolus pararoseus O1 in solid-state fermentation. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 13. pp 3003-3012.
  • Thi-Thao Nguyen, Quoc-Tuan Hoang, Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Pham, Anh-Duong Cao, Hong-Duong Pham, Viet-Hung Le, Thu-Trang Vu, Ngoc-Hung Pham, Tien-Cuong Nguyen, Kim-Anh To, Van-Hung Nguyen, Quyet-Tien Phi, Viet-Hoa Tran, Tat-Thanh Dang, Quoc-Dat Lai, Raoul Lionnet, Son Chu-Ky. 2022. Research and Development Prospects for Sugarcane Industry in Vietnam. Sugar Tech, 23.
  • Tien Nam TIEN, Tien Cuong NGUYEN, Chinh Nghia NGUYEN, Tien Thanh NGUYEN, Tuan Anh PHAM, Ngoc Hung PHAM, Son CHU-KY. 2022. Protease increases ethanol yield and decreases fermentation time in no-cook process during very-high-gravity ethanol production from rice. Process Biochemistry, 117. pp 10-18.
  • Pham Tuan Anh.; Ngo Duy Sa; To Kim Anh. 2022. Formic acid-based organosolv delignification of sugarcane bagasse for efficient enyzymatic saccharification. Sugar Tech, 24. pp 779-787.
  • Bui Thi Thanh, Dam Thuy Hang, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Lan Huong. 2022. Enhanced production of fibrinolytic enzyme by Bacillus isolated from Vietnamese traditional fermented soybean (Tuong Ban) using ultraviolet irradiation and chemical mutation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 11. pp 67-80.
  • Bui Thi Thanh, Le Tuan, Nguyen Lan Huong, Pham Tuan Anh. 2023. Improvement of fibrinolytic enzyme production from Bacillus sp. ES4 by response surface methodology and exponential Fed-Batch Fermentation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 12. pp 151-162.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Thi Phuong Nguyen, Kim Anh To. 2023. Improvement of Bacillus clausii cell HH1 density via culture medium optimization and pH-stat fed batch fermentation. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology. 61(4). pp 590-598.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Thi Phuong Nguyen, Kim Anh To. 2023. Improvement of Bacillus clausii cell HH1 density via culture medium optimization and pH-stat fed batch fermentation. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology. 61(4). pp 590-598.
  • Le Tuan, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Nguyen Tuan Viet, Vu Thi Kieu Oanh, Pham Tuan Anh, Le Thanh Ha. 2023. Evaluation of the growth of Vibrio natriegens  strains in a medium containing chitin derivatives and shrimp shell hydrolysate. Academia Journal of Biology. 45. pp 73-82.
  • Bach Cao-Xuan, Tuan Le, Tuan-Anh Pham, Dominique Anne-Archard, Eric Lombard, Xavier Cameylere, Tien Cuong Nguyen, Kim Anh To, Luc Fillaudeau. 2023. Integrated rheological, morphological and biochemical approaches to investigate performances of an enzymatic secretome from Talaromyces sp. BRG1 to degrade pretreated sugarcane bagasse and paper-pulp. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 203. pp 109196. 
  • Tuan Anh Pham, Thi Huyen Luu, Thuy Hang Dam, Kim Anh To. 2024. Bioconversion of Shrimp Waste into Functional Lipid by a New Oleaginous Sakaguchia sp. Molecular Biotechnology.
  • Hoang Lan Nghiem, Kim Anh To, Tuan Anh Pham. 2024. Bioconversion of Shrimp By-Product into Carotenoids Using Pigmented Yeast Sporidiobolus pararoseus Q. JST: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development. 34. pp 1-8.


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